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A Random Day 81 - You Wanted A Slutty Milf Adult Star Trophy Wife (Bimbo)


A friend had asked me to attend a costume party as his date I owed him a favor for quite some time as a while back he protected me from a handsy guy at a club.

He told me that he had some ideas on what he wanted and as he knew about my morph ability I left it up to him to decide what he wanted me to go as he had told me to meet at his apartment after work.

As I got home I had a quick shower and set out a quite blue top and skirt and skimpy underwear as I did not want to turn up at his looking unattractive as he was cute and I liked him but he always had a girlfriend so we had always stayed friends and nothing more I wasn't expecting much from this date as it was more of a favor than a proper date as he explained earlier that he had agreed to go to the party with his ex before they broke up and that he party was going to be full of couples and no single people there.

So as I grabbed my stuff and set off to his place by walking to his apartment as he lived quite close to me and spent a good amount of time hanging out with him and his partners as he would just call me his little sister around his partners to keep them happy.

I didn't mind it too much as we were always just close friends but since his ex stopped living with him and he found out about my ability he seemed to want to hang out a lot more with me as he had been to mother's store a few times for some specialized items.

I arrived at his place Iwas greeted by him at the door as he let me in and then said we have to leave relatively soon that's when I said: "Alright well have you decided what you want me to go as?"

He just responded with, " Well could you change into a Slutty Milf Adult Star Trophy Wife?"

I just looked at him and got closer grabbing his hands as I giggled then looked up at him and said "Wow now that's a combination of great things" I smiled then said, "I hope you know what you just asked for!"As there was a bright pink flash as my body began to change and also caused a reality change in the process as we now both stood in an entirely new room.

He just looked at me and examined the new me as I now stood there In a very skimpy dress and heels that showed off my figure and I now looked at least 5 years older and had a body to match as my breast were a lot bigger now and I had long blonde hair, Thick full lips with huge ass and hips as he said: "Wow you're stunning, but what just happened where are we?" That's is when another woman came in and said "I have managed to get Lucy down to sleep so go have fun at the award party you two" as she left to keep an eye on the baby.

That's when memories flooded both our minds of our new reality as they flashed through the last 5 years we had moved in together and lived together for 2 years before he popped the question and since then we have been married for 3 years and a year later had gotten pregnant with lucy as we now had a 2-year-old daughter.

As for my career, I went from being a top model to a new career as one of the top adult stars becoming massive globally as for him was now the full owner of the law firm he had been working at that's when we both gasped at how much stuff had changed in our reality then we both noticed the wedding rings on our fingers as we were still holding each other's hand.

He then pulled me in closer embracing me with a deep kiss which left me wanting as I thought about what was happening with my body because just a single deep kiss from him just turned me on instantly making my knees weak and a huge wanting feeling in my lower half as my womb pulsed with need as this reality and body had really changed into a slutty milf adult star as I practically hit pure bliss with just my lips but when they detached I had hit pure pleasure as I fell into his arms moaning aloud.

He asked if I was alright I just responded in a slutty but sexy voice with "Yeah I am alright just felt pure bliss from that kiss and it's left me a bit flustered mind went a bit blank" as giggled and explained that this body was really sensitive and horny as all I could think about was just taking him right here and now.

I tried my best to control myself a bit as I said "So how do you like your new slutty milf adult star trophy wife and the reality that comes with it?" He then just looked on at me for a second but that's when he pulled me in closer wrapping his strong arms around me and kissed me again making me moan and experience pure bliss again from just a kiss he then embraced me with a tight hug giving me the opportunity to lay on his abs as I could feel them as I hung on to him trying not to fall over from the pleasure I just had.

He just said, " I wouldn't change a thing I think this reality is much better, and I wouldn't want to go back to the way things were before" I just looked up at him with a bit of shock was he really that happy with the result and the true question was could I really stay in this body even though I could bearly hold myself together from all this pleasure as I didn't think too long and just said "Me either" holding on to him tighter.

I could probably get used to this body I thought but at the same time, I knew I still had my power so I could adjust this body slightly without any major changes to reality later but for now I could live with this life and enjoy my new family.

That's when he said "Right we should probably head to the awards show don't forget you got nominated for a few of them and wouldn't want to be late I just responded with "yeah your right I totally forgot" as he held my hand as we left the house together as a limo was waiting outside to take us to the award show.


Thanks for all the Support, Favs and Follows



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