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Hello everyone. I don't know what to feel right now. I don't know if it's just pure bad luck playing with my life at this point that when I woke up this morning, my HDD containing the project's files along with the 3D models and other important stuff displays an error that it is inaccessible.

I am severely depressed now since I was almost finished with the animation (about 85-90%) until this happened. Due to this, unfortunately, the newest animation might be cancelled or stopped since I can't access the hard disk anymore. I will try to fix it if possible or at the very least have the data recovered before next month (which is very close from now). I might have to pause billing for next October if I can't recover the data on time to finish the animation.

I just hope that at the very least my data can be recovered because I don't know if I have the will to continue or starting the project from the very beginning at this point if I can't recover it since it also contains valuable files from other older projects (I was only able to backup files until the Kemosuku Three Dream so I haven't backed up all later projects/3D models after that)



Things like that happen eventually, don’t sweat it. If you can’t recover the animation that’s alright there’s always next time. Nobody’s perfect and that’s life. -Noteable 🐢


That just brought back some awful PTSD for me. I had a similar thing happened to me when my external hard drive became inaccessible. I tried sending it to several different PC shops but no luck. All of my files were in that thing and it was a horrible experience. Ever since then, I've always kept a backup hard drive which I would duplicate the whole thing every once in a while. I really hope your situation is not too bad.

Clayton Sims

Oh dear. I hope the recovery process goes alright. But if you can't salvage it, I'd be more than happy to pay for the creation of my comic Re:Zero The Spell Of Desire to be made into a video.


I'm so sorry to hear that, we're here with you!

Top Notche

I hope things work out. Who knows? Maybe it's just the slot the hdd plugs into that is broke, or the cable.


omg ... that's bad xd i could go crazy if that would happen to me, i would recommend getting an SSD, or rather two, 1 intern 1 extern. so you can backup stuff from time to time.


I recommend you to get one SSD and one HDD since SSD are better but also faster dead. Also one extern for backup.

Christoper Cross

Sorry to hear, dude. Let me know if you need anything like models or whatnot


Sorry this happen mate that rly sucks...if only we as fan can do anything to help...😢