Unfortunate Update (Patreon)
Hello everyone. I don't know what to feel right now. I don't know if it's just pure bad luck playing with my life at this point that when I woke up this morning, my HDD containing the project's files along with the 3D models and other important stuff displays an error that it is inaccessible.
I am severely depressed now since I was almost finished with the animation (about 85-90%) until this happened. Due to this, unfortunately, the newest animation might be cancelled or stopped since I can't access the hard disk anymore. I will try to fix it if possible or at the very least have the data recovered before next month (which is very close from now). I might have to pause billing for next October if I can't recover the data on time to finish the animation.
I just hope that at the very least my data can be recovered because I don't know if I have the will to continue or starting the project from the very beginning at this point if I can't recover it since it also contains valuable files from other older projects (I was only able to backup files until the Kemosuku Three Dream so I haven't backed up all later projects/3D models after that)