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The full video for "RE:Starting Tasks from Zero" is now available!

This video is a commission from IronWaffle. Thank you very much for the commission~! <3

The attached files have a password. Check your inbox for the ZIP Password or PM me here if you didn't receive any message within 24 hours after this was posted.

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I hope you all enjoy watching it and thank you for the continued support as always!



kito Se

need password

Red Luigi

same, id like the password too :D


I didn't expect to hear Mogeko Castle music again outside of the actual game itself. Damn that's nostalgic. 😁


You did an amazing job it's always nice to see giantess Rem with Subaru. Can you recreate an old Jcalin video with these characters? Like the original jcalin snu snu. or have Subaru and Rem recreate The Tables turn?


Thank you for liking it~! That is a nice idea. I'll take note of it but I can't promise that I'll do it since I still need to animate some other pending projects/ideas.


Cool thanks for your response i'm looking forward to your future work.


Can I have the password please ? :D


password please


Will this video get a lingerie and naked version?

Darren van der Valk

You really outdid yourself on this one! I felt an attuned kinship with Subura as I to repeatedly had experienced the same scene over and over (hits replay button). Though surely, I had a better time of it then he did! I’m so glad that his return by death was implemented as I had high hopes for the scenarios that could come of it. Those expectations were thoroughly surpassed! Especially in the 2nd reset. It was truly something to imagine how the tiny knight might’ve “saved her” while everyone simply went on as though it was the most natural thing in the world. There’s a certain degree of appeal in the surrealness of it all whilst being one of the few to know that things have changed. A theme that is practically dripping throughout and one I’ll be alluding to a number of times. You did an amazing job of matching not only the tone in this adaption but were flawless in your execution of their characters. I’m so glad that I could have a point of reference to be able to say that this would not be out of place had it found itself in the source material. The ending must be one of, if not, the most memorable scene I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. The despair it elicits is in the truest sense the mood that this genre has built in at its’ roots. I could only liken it to a bad end from Shrink High, what with its copious amount of shrink as you stare up in awe at the enormity of the everything where one could hardly see the literal carpet for the fibres. This end replicated that feeling immaculately. At its core, I felt you struck what makes the genre so appealing in the emotions it makes you feel. This video is the textbook example of how to express what makes a good size story. On the sequence itself. It’s great that you can already tell from his breathing that he’s incredibly tiny while the low rumble in the background does in excellent job of accentuating the fact. There’s something mystifying about hearing sounds others are incapable of by nature of their size. I have a huge love for these types of details. The discreteness of the scene makes for a great prelude to ones’ natural drawn conclusion. You have such a fine way of building anticipation with the music acting as a wonderful lead into the reveal. You picked the absolute perfect track for this! The slow zoom out and camera tilt was an incredible introduction after all the suspense, giving one a twofold perspective. A far shot for comparison with the pan acting like a first-person point of view. A satisfying and immersive means of switching the sight. The bright lighting gave an almost dreamlike appearance or perhaps I should say nightmare in this case... The washed-out nature of the colours made them feel distant and thus that much bigger. I really liked the approach in this aspect. Keep it! Seeing them all move in slow motion adds to the separation as it continues with an eerie feeling of disconnect, things are simply that far beyond you. It’s such a wonderful way of depicting the scale in motion as it gives them a much larger impression, like each movement is a massive upheaval of mass and force. Once again, I was overjoyed that such a scale was depicted. Ram’s change in demeanour between her first interaction with Subura in contrast to the finale was a superb way of implying a supposed ‘hand’ in his current predicament. There’s a sense of knowing which is excellently concluded in the half eye open. It’s amazing how much can be conveyed in but a single expression! Your ability to tell stories through actions, perspective, dialogue, and music is unrivalled in this space and is an aspect of your works I thoroughly enjoy. The inclusion of shrinking and growing made for an interesting shake up from the usual leanings of one or the other. Truly the best of both as you experience one’s ever diminutive size compared to the world around them with the additional view of a shrinking world for those who’ve grown. There’s nothing quite like it as it makes you feel that much smaller. I continue to appreciate the camera shake and movement SFX as they move at much larger scales. The musical score throughout was phenomenal. From moments of serenity to those that expressed the dread to soon set in. The soundscape tied well into the mood as each instance conveyed how it wanted the audience to feel at any given moment. The moments of hopelessness is what I adored the most and the composition covered them exceptionally, with its fit to the source work making it all the better. We were truly treated to a multitude of perspective with the substantial variety of views giving us a good sense of scale. You’ve done a brilliant job of including a variety of angles for which to experience the way things are changing for our protagonist as it always keeps the size in mind giving plenty of props for comparison. The effort gone into the inclusion of more shots with respect to environment is certainly paying off! One such mention of a perspective I quite liked was Subura on Rem’s shoe. Having the two looking over him at different heights made for quite the striking spatial awareness as they tower above him. With another being a choice pick for two rather obvious reasons in the fan servicey shot of Ram’s bosom. Being great not only for the allure but in the way it conveys comedy as we’re greeted with the sight first before the inevitable 'my face is up here' moment with it subtly conveying the size difference as well. Having both Rem and Ram in the shot made for some nice contrasting moments. Ram’s hot pink fiery smugness tempered by Rem’s more quiet blue fascination. These two were really fun to have. Not enough credit can be given for how well you integrated so many personalities here. Extra points for the smugness as you slayed it! Critical weakness for me. The idea of a ‘task being too easy’ is one of my favourite classical segways into size change. Same with punishment for failure such as was shown, as well, in your rendition of Hachimitsu’s work “Little Game”. The self-fulfilment of continually failing due to one’s increasingly diminishing size is very enticing. This, for as hard as the competition is, must be… dare I say, my favourite video of yours to date. It has everything that makes for a hallmark RemKT production. I find it equally fitting, what with the characters involved that this is the case. This work has all the elements of yours that I love and so is a stellar example of what makes your style so iconic to me. I hope you enjoyed making it as I certainly did watching it!


Thank you very much for the very detailed comment! It always puts a smile to my face reading people's thoughts about the animations I make, especially if it's a well written and pretty detailed one like yours~!

Jun Lee

Could I get the password?


need password


password please