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Surprise Surprise!

Ya Boy Honeybttch comes in with a hot drop.

So a little back story. When I recently traveling, able to step away, and clear my head for a bit. I had a few idea's pop out. One idea in particular, was a simple scene featuring Widowmaker. No real story, just straight to the action. Quick n simple.

At first I was a bit mixed about it, but I did have a Widowmaker model I previously made collecting dust. All it needed was some adjustments and the model would be ready. I also know Bordeaux Black VA, who would be perfect to voice Widow.

Honestly I felt like I had all the pieces ready for this scene. Knew just how I wanted to direct it.

So I thought... Fuck it, we ball.

Enjoy :)



I hope ya'll enjoy this little quickie. Will I pursue a full feature Widow film? Eh, my plate is pretty full as it is. But as i've always said, if there's enough demand, any thing possible.

Now the better question to ask is, will I release more smaller features like this? If the inspiration hits me, and its not too much additional work, Sure. I am in the middle of Shoko Photoshoot. Dont want side projects eating up too much time. But who knows, might be a few more small surprise releases this year...



Mike Wolf