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Hey Gang!

I know up to this point I've mostly posted pictures of the film but haven't really shown yet what the final animation look will be. Well I've finally reached a point where I'm happy with the end result and eager to share with you the first look at the opening scene.



Let me know what your thoughts are? I know I still need to tweak the motion/speed of the comments appearing and wondering if I should shrink the comments further? My biggest concern is having the comments too distracting from the action. Lots of little tweaking with that left to do.

Hope everyone enjoyed the tiniest of little teaser. Still lots more to do but each day the finish line is getting closer and closer.



Duranta Love

I like how the first one you see is Gwen


I like this sneak-peak so far. The chat could be a little bit smaller, but it doesnt really distract me. Otherwise, if you are concerned about the chat, would it be a problem to release two versions? One with and one without chat?


smaller chat, rest looks great

App Store

yep thats a good idea, i think the live chat adds to the kinkiness of it