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Projects Updates:

-currently focused on working on collabs[2/4] and comissions [2/4]

-Patreon sfw audio soon , [just need to edit]

- I'm still worried about this high frequency sound that some people here. Thought we already fixed it but guess not? Sucks that everyone's headphones and earphones are different and some may or may not hear it [like for my example, I didnt hear it not once]. Not sure if I need a new blue yeti mic or something. I wanna make sure that's really the case cuz i don't wanna buy a new one then it'll have the same issue.

-i read it might be from noise reduction, so I’ll have to play around with that part

Life Updates:

-I delayed my flight by 4 days due to severe coughing. I'd have these long coughs that would last 6 months or so ..but i never got it checked [ this been happening for 4 years or more now] cuz I'm just assuming it's really bad seasonal allergies. Seriously don't wanna cough on the plane on trying to go on board and get denied . Went to pulmonologist and did chest xrays and post bronchodilator test. It was all normal but now my doctor wants ct scan for a more detailed look. She said “ Now we have a dilemma”. There are Some serious things the xray can't see . We'll I hope it's nothing serious cuz I'm tired now 💀💀💀now I'm taking 4 medicines 💀💀💀for a cough . 3 of them are trial meds prescribed by doctor

-Gonna do ct scan today and will get the results immediately too, Hope its nothing too serious and its just a seriously bad allergy thing. Or a cough-variant asthma which is the least concerning diagnosis imo. My triggers are cold air mostly, but ill cough too even if its hot. Last night i slept with a heat pad on my chest that had a peppermint scent to it, i slept right away and finally didnt wake up coughing. It helped a lot. My cough is bad to the point i cant sleep cuz it keeps me awake for too long and it wont stop. It will also wake me up when i’m asleep.

-CT SCAN UPDATE: My results showed a Nodule in my lung (Radiologist said it might be TB but i dont think so cuz i’ve been coughing for years in front of my family and theyre fine) and a cyst on my liver. My Pulmonologist needs to see my CT SCAN results to know what i have and what medicine to give). Any not sure if i need any further test like biopsy. I’m leaving soon and I wont make it to see my Pulmonogist, since she’s only available at that hospital Thursday and Friday. If I go back to USA now for it, it might take a while again before i get the medicine i need since they’ll ask so many questions

- before leaving, i wanted to buy my siblings some cute toys”my souvenir for them” lol. Been looking for some Gacha stuff! Some cute keychains and phone charms, no idea what the heck to get but i just want cute and fun!

-I bought myself one more labubu toy 🧸 the standing up version. And i got gray ! At least its not YELLOW LOL

-I gained 4 lbs so, i went back to eating just meat, which I’ll be even more strict with when i get back to USA, back to my eggs and sausages . Let me just say these meals [Japanese BBQ and Cajun Shrimp and Fish with Quinoa] were my favorite meals of my whole trip . Also during my stay here, I have eaten too much desserts O____O maybe like 6 cakes for a month and the rest are like brownies, cupcakes, cookies, etc. Whenever i see the opportunity to buy a mouth watering dessert, I always go for it! Cuz i must….TASTE

-Hope you guys enjoy my photos and my trip even though I’ve mostly showed food !Thank you for your sweet and fun comments!

-I promise i’m taking care of myself and will continue to do so!






Fingers crossed your CT scan comes back without issues. I know you said you’d take care, but please do. Thanks for the update

Maddy Blubbi

You always post your food when iam hungry 😩 as always get well! And I hope its nothing serious. 🤞


Those are some tasty brownies. Hope you hove nothing severe and you're better for when you need to go back.


Thank you for the update, hope the CT is going well, take the time you need for your health ❤️


Over a year sounds too consisten for it to be regular allergies, try doing homemade teas for that, especially now on winter!!, take care yubi✌🏾


Even if seasonal allergies? The part that's concerning is the it last 6 months and more. But i will try teas too. I am currently using heat pad with peppermint scent to put on my chest or back. It helps tame my cough a bit. I will Dine thank you! Going to ct later and hoping for nothing serious


Good luck!, take things easy and try to take as much care as you can !!


Just got 54/60 on my organic chemistry final 😭 Had to lock in for dear life. Thanks for keeping the stress and fear away 🙏 My mother suffered from chronic coughing as well. We found the best help for her was NZ manuka honey by spoon and humidifying water with ginger near her bed. Hoping your trip is safe 🙏


Did hers last 6 months and more as well? If yes did she ask the doctor what it is? I'm so curious


Hope they can figure out the cough, being unable to sleep because of it sounds rough. Also love the food pics throughout the trip, I'm jealous of all the good looking food you get to try!


She ended up getting ct as well and what ended up showing was really inflamed sinuses, the first thing the docs thought to do was administer antibiotic thinking it was an infection but her sinuses were very weak to changes in the weather. Seemed the mucus drip was the cause of the cough. If you have any feelings of pressure around your face sometimes or get a headache that seems to be concentrated in one spot it could be that your sinuses are prone to inflammation.


this could provide more information about the cough. for my mom it was a cough that added up and up onto itself. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1094553908001326?via%3Dihub


I do get a headache when my cough doesn't stop. My veins starts popping and I start sweating . I don't have mucus though on mine. I'm only doing a chest ct scan . It'll suck if my problem isn't on the chest. And starting from elsewhere. Tsk . Well see what we'll find out tonight.


Yeah it's good you're narrowing down the issue tonight. Im thinking that headache could be due to the cough itself. 🙏Got faith the doc will find out!


Yes it was a fun food trip 💖🫶is got to taste some cuisine I've never tried before and I love all of it . Going to doctor for ct now 🤗wish me lucks


We should be thanking you you shouldn't be thanking us I appreciate every audio you make ❤️❤️💯