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Slipping right under the wire for April with another update - I finally finished chapter 9! Had so much writer's block. That, plus depression, plus the heat are the reasons this took so long - but I'm really sorry it did.

I've already sent the chapter over to my editor for revising, so please look forward to that as well in the near future. It took a bit last time, but part of that was my editor still needing to catch up on the series - with luck, it'll happen a lot faster this time.

You can read the chapter on my site at https://princesskay.net/wp/demon-queened-chapter-9-unedited/

Or you can download it off dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ch7al7o8qz524vl/Demon%20Queened%20-%20Chapter%209%20-%20unedited.pdf?dl=0


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