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Posting this here mostly to make myself stick to it. Don't have precise dates, because with my depression I've been getting randomly knocked out, and the order of these might shift, but this is a little of what you have to look forward to!

1. Demon Queened chapter 11. Right what it says on the tin, it's the first chapter of the second volume! Being the first chapter, it's something of a prologue? Introduces a new character and does a lot of setup for the meat of the story. (TBH, as stupid as it is, part of the delay is my brain insisting people won't like having waited so long for a prologue, which makes me falter and take even longer to write it. *Sighs*)

2. Your Roots are Showing a 5 dollar patreon story - a man is in the midst of chopping down some strangely shaped trees when he's suddenly attacked by a bear! When he comes to, there's a woman healing the tree he was chopping. She offers to heal him too - but warns that there will be a price!

Features a (temporary) inanimate TF, and plays heavily into the fear the MC feels at being transformed - one of my darker stories, so not for everyone, but I'm hoping it'll scratch an itch for a few of you~

3. DQ Bonus Story! A story involving Abigail at the brothel, the night before Devilla's coronation. This bonus story isn't ever going fully public - it'll be in the published book, but otherwise you'll need to join my Patreon to read it. I've decided to make it available at the 1 dollar tier, so all patrons can enjoy it.

4. The Duke's Daughter - another one of my darker tales, for the five dollar tier, and unlike Your Roots are Showing it doesn't have a sweet ending. This is specifically a twist on the reincarnation genre, in which a man wakes up in the body of a duke's daughter - but is quickly caught and strapped to a chair! Apparently, they're determined to bring back the duke's daughter? Even if it means sealing him away.

5. More Demon Queened!

6. Hatching a Heroine! ...I'd like to get back to this, soon.

I miiiiiight also pull But I Don't Wanna Be a Bimbo out of hiatus, but no guarantees on that. The truth is that I only have the brain space for so many series at a time. Even when I'm at my best, doing a chapter of DQ, a chapter of HaH, and a one-shot puts me near my limit. And when I have extra brain space, I've mostly been trying to get out more DQ. Still, I haven't forgotten that (or any of my other) series so. We'll see what I can do.


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