Hatching a Heroine - Chapter 15 - Unedited (Patreon)
IT IS DONE. It's also short, coming in at just slightly under 2k. Honestly, if I was doing things fresh I'd make the last few chapters one single ch\apter, but as it is this is a self contained scene.
Next chapter is upcoming - hope to have it out within a month of now - and will probably be a lot longer. I have some good stuff planned for it~ I am SO sorry about the wait, but I'm hoping the next one will be smaller.
You can read it on dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/xclzvmjdlyyc5oo/Hatching%20a%20Heroine%20-%20Chapter%2015%20-%20Unedited.pdf?dl=0
PS: For those unfamiliar, I write Hatching a Heroine under the name Emilie Ember. It's largely an attempt to keep my SFW and NSFW stuff separate - but I started writing it under Princess Kay, so the stuff is still available on this Patreon when I update it.