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Hey yall, I've talked about this a few times in update posts but its time I finally initiate what is owed to a lot of yall.

As many of you are aware, I have been exceptionally slow at completing some of the stickers that were owed during the "Monthly YCH Sticker club" and the consequence is I am over a year behind on some of the owed work.

Rather than continue to push that boulder along and drag you all on for longer and longer times, I am going to be starting what I'm calling the Moblie's Really Sorry Sticker Buyback Commission Program in which I take your T3 subscriptions and allow you to funnel it into a fund in which you can use towards commissions.

I'm going to be reaching out in DM's to many of you who were members of the T3 Big Ott Club with a form for you to submit, that will allow you to decide how you want to proceed. I have combed over as much of my entire list of contributors and subscribers as possible but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'VE BEEN MISSED REACH OUT TO ME.

I want to make right by each and every one of yall who subscribed expecting a certain thing and the quality and service was poor. Allow me to make this up to you all and make some nice quality art in exchange for all the tiny little bits of art you've been missing out on.

Thank you for your time.



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