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Hi everyone!! Hope your December is going good and the holiday season isn't too stressful- at this stage I've finished all my christmas shopping AND have watched the Santa Clause 3 times. So I guess you could say things are going prettyyyyyy good. Let's jump into the upcoming video topic!!


In the next video, we cover the turbulent tale of the 'science-based, 100% dragon MMO' post that took r/gaming by storm. Widely mocked and derided for it's overambitious scope and silly premise, the post became an iconic meme on reddit and the wider internet- in this video, I made it my goal to dive deeper into the post to find out more about the actual project itself. I found rare images, concept pieces, and even a long-buried website that shines a light on the real project behind the meme.

Also as an update: the MLP video script is done, and looking like it's gonna be at least an hour long. It'll be out at the end of the month and I can't wait for you guys to see it :) Stay safe and well and I'll see you guys in the next vid, which will be out asap!



I'm looking forward to this because I had a dragon obsession when I was like 10


looking forward to it :) Have a good Christmas buddy


Happy holidays :^] looking forward to seeing it, dwagons...!!


Yeassssss dragon time baybeeeeee

Jesstin Jacobs

OMG yessss I cannot wait for this one


Happy Holidays! Looking forward to hearing all about the scandalous dragons.


Watched the video! Quite an interesting concept for a game ngl 😂 had me thinking a lot. Also great work 🙌🏻


Great video! My partner and I got a kick out of the story. Happy Holidays!


Super excited!