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Redemption Reacts to THE RISE OF BANGTAN - Chapter 3: House of Cards

Hello everyone; WELCOME BACK ARMY. THE RISE OF BANGTAN!!!! YALL GONNA LOVE THIS REACTION. Like, Comment, Subscribe and let us know what else you'd like us to react to. About Us - Redemption 46 Studios is an award-winning video production company and creative agency specializing in commercial, corporate and broadcast television production. Since our establishment in 2005, our mission has always been to produce engaging and imaginative films that inform, entertain and inspire. We pride ourselves on being visual storytellers and bringing a fresh perspective to each of our productions. PLEASE SHOW LOVE AND SUPPORT OUR PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/RDM46 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: rdm46studios@gmail.com BUSINESS PAGE - https://www.redemption46.com Follow us on Ig & Twitter - Redemption46 Original link to THE RISE OF BANGTAN - Chapter 3: House of Cards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSdFtRl-e6I&t=20s #Army #BTS #BTSGUIDE #Reaction #KPOP #BIGHIT #THERISEOFBANGTAN Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for โ€œfair useโ€ for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.



๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ annyeongg. Hey Lo, hey Keith. Hey everybody.


let's goooo notification squad ๐Ÿฅณ grabbing a snack and then i'll watch this ๐Ÿ’œ


Keith and Lo are back lol


Like u said Nick, this is by far the best docu series to watch if u want to see their rise as artists. The armies who made this series seriously deserves to be paid because they really went all out. Anyways I loved this reaction, I canโ€™t wait for pt4 itโ€™s my favorite๐Ÿ’œ


Yessss an upload ๐Ÿ˜†

Irina BM

Welcome back everyone! I'm frustrated I can't watch it now lol but I can't wait for this


Yesss Iโ€™m always ready to watch this series again! Forever my favorite docu-series

Lala woods

Omg Keith and Lo are back and of course itโ€™s nice to see Jerrick back as well. I love how Keith be trolling Jerrick and Lo ๐Ÿ˜… I feel like he is the hyung who likes to get a rise out of the younger ones ๐Ÿ˜‚


Omg Keith is back!! Thank yโ€™all for this reaction I canโ€™t wait for chapter 4.


Hey, thank you for the reaction guys. could you put the subtitles on the screen for us to see next time pls?

Suncedars Hul

Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ


Are we getting a run bts reaction today ? ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Jerrick is easily becoming one of my favorite R46 members hhahaha. It's the "b-b-b-bangtan boyzzz" for me!

Erica Phifer

I love me some Phill collins


Education is so highly valued in Korea that even as huge stars all of the BTS members either have master degrees, are currently pursuing their masters (V & Jimin) or undergraduate degrees (JK). Yes the boys were very young I think Jin was 20 as the oldest and they were talking to grown men, so they could never disrespect these men directly but they for sure checked them in their music. Touching on what Nick said, they never bark outside of their pen on paper, they let the music speak for themselves. Watching them write letters to ARMY since then and they still do it now, in forms of songs as gifts and even actual letters. They've always had Armys back and we'll always have theirs. Yessir Jerrick, Bang! Tan!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜ญ Imo the ones who changed the most personality wise are Jimin and V. Jk is still very shy and emotional, and the other guys are still more or less themselves. Fun fact V and Suga use to not get along, it wasn't until BV Hawaii season in 2016 where they made the hands pact that they became closer, Suga said that he didn't think someone could be so quirky and pure and thought Tae was faking it. They always thank BV for helping their friendship. Lo to reference the awards that they won, these were like BBMA & MTV awards vs like Grammys AoTY or Best Song etc. And you can only win best new artist while you are a new artist, after that they didn't win any major awards (Daesang) until years in. The guys always think they can do better, they work insanely hard every single time and that's why ARMY do our best to make sure they know they are enough. Jin, RM and Suga's parents wanted them to be business men, and when they wanted to pursue art & music they had some tension ESPECIALLY Suga. Jimin's family also had a different plan for him but his father was very supportive when Jimin said he wanted to go to an art school to dance. Us Redeemers will do our best to be just as supportive of Redemption46 Studios. Happy 100 days in advance.๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽ‰

Erica Phifer

#Cannotimaginelobeingapreacher and cult of personality a good song lol ok I'm done

Lala woods

I literally watched the video with you guys then afterwards while you guys are having your conversations Iโ€™m cleaning my house listening to you guys ๐Ÿ˜

Lala woods

I agree with everything you said but I also think Jin changed a lot which is so apparent when watching this series cuz he is more upbeat and goofier now compared to how he was before he legit looked so sad most of the blog. JK is definitely coming out of his shell just this year his confidence level is on a different level just for example his piercings and tattoos he is expressing himself more and more and I just love it Iโ€™m not saying he is 100% confident but he is up there. V definitely changed but he is still goofy but people forget he is older so of course you canโ€™t expect a 25 year old man to act like his teenager you know?


Hi guys, like always I enjoyed your reactions. In my opinion regarding the early awards, yes they were noticed by the entertainment industry in South Korea but they were not viewed as threatening because BigHit was so small. However once they started to become more popular and selling more Albums (not as much as the other 3 big companies yet) THEN they were viewed as disadvantageous towards other groups. Unfortunately our boys suffered a great deal because they ONLY had BIGHIT and ARMY on their side to try to protect them. I am so glad we have grown stronger to do a better job to support/protect our BANGTAN Boys.

Nellie Z

We can thank BFREE for the Cyphers. RM and Suga held themselves back. They comport themselves so well all the time of the interview. Karma hit BFREE. The day Agust D dropped D2 mixtape, BFREE became BJAILED. All his music videos have so many dislikes. The gates have been smashed hopefully. I saw on Twitter that BTS will be performing twice at the AMAs. They are performing BUTTER with Meg and MY UNIVERSE with Coldplay. Hopefully they take home all the awards that they are up for.

Erica Phifer

BJAILED lmaooo hehe and yes I hope our guys take home all three awards!

GERI St.Ville

Can react to the Cypher series. Cypher 2 was definitely a response to B free disrespectful attitude towards them.


*whew* that was a ride! I finished the whole reaction video. Just want to react to Lo on how (nonverbatim) BTS was not considered successful during their early days. Not sure what the other redeemers said but I'm pretty sure no ARMY would say they weren't "successful" cause they were known as monster rookies. THEY WERE STRUGGLING TO RISE ABOVE THEIR HARDSHIPS, is how I would put it. It's not about them not being successful - it's more about their journey. BigHit wasnโ€™t just a small company, it was struggling financially. It was almost an uphill battle for them every comeback. They were fighting against the Big 3 conglomerate with their established groups. Yes, they were awarded Best New Artist in multiple award shows, but they were struggling to make it against all the odds against them (hate & mistreatment). Big 3 companies pay big money in ads and promotions. They have connections to broadcasting companies. And this probably explains why BTS's performances were cut from live broadcasting and experienced bad treatment in shows. No matter what accolades they received, they were still seen as unpopular due to mediaplay. It was an uphill battle for them even post-debut. There's a lot to unpack. To know more, pls pls watch this video with the whole gang, with Lo specially: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NidD1d73tXI


"struggling to rise above hardships" is a good way to put it! i agree

Kem Johnson

Hi guys, I always enjoy your reactions and the dialogue you have with each other is very insightful and thought provoking. Tell Curt (I hope I spelled it correctly) I love how patient he is. There are times I want to say to the screen "Hey Curt you better just cut in on the conversation because they will go on and on and on lol! Love you guys! I like writing. Do you have an address I can send my fan mail to or do you prefer written messages this way? You know I would love to come visit your studio and be a part of listening to your discussions. I'm not far, in Baltimore, MD. ๐Ÿ™‚


Can you guys please put the captions in so we can see what they're saying


Yes please, it would really help to see the captions. Thank you for a really great discussion!

Kharys A

what did you mentioned around 15:50...they slap back, on Cypher 2 and Cypher 3 they went off and put B-Free (the rapper who disrespect them) on his place...either way the karma do its part with this guy, he is just a disaster and was getting involved into some trouble...nobody remember him, he just seek for some attention that's all... btw "N.O" is a JAM...is my favorite all time BTS song with "Whalien 52"...hope guys you can react to "N.O" MV and lyric video, the lyrics are just so good, thank you again for this reaction!

Irina BM

Great discussion again. So many points you guys had that I don't even know where to start, I'm like Curt lol. About B-Free and other rappers who looked down on them, I just love how BTS always responded to the haters through their music and art. I think the best way to prove your point and earn respect is by being more successful with what you do. It'll shut people's mouths. And B-Free had to eventually apologize to BTS twice in 2016 and 2019. You'll see more and more of the hate they get in the next episodes, especially on RM, I admire how mature he was already. And you guys should react to the Cypher medley live now :)

Irina BM

And I'm from Paris too! I'm doing art and filmmaking as well, so growing up with asian immigrant parents, it wasn't easy to break these "rules" and their expectations lol. But in France I feel like you have more freedom to do whatever you want to do, somehow.

Sharkie Miles

Love this reaction and discussion but please put the subtitles so we can read/watch along ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Rachel Lynn

I am enjoying Jerrick character arc so far. Definitely enjoy the reaction and discussion!


First off... THANK YOU for acknowledging RedBone! Before my time but as an indigenous/Native American I remember my mother playing RedBone ALL the time and my older sister and I use to dance around and sing to their songs... and then go make Fry bread lol. The members have indeed changed over the years, they've grown up and evolved. We all go through phases of our lives like that. I do know some 'fans' from 2013 who stopped listening to BTS when they started to win, win in 2016. They often complained "yeah but they're not like they use to be, they changed." "they're too different, they're letting fame go to their heads." Just because they started to win awards. Speaking of winning awards- The reason why you see some ARMYs saying they didn't win till 2016 was because the 'new artist award' is not a Daesang or Grand Prize. I know it showed them winning 'multiple' but that was the ONE award across Multiple award shows. That's why ARMYs say they didn't win till 2016 when they got their first Daesang. Winning New Artist was great, but to get a grand prize meant more. It would have helped them and gotten them more footing in the industry. The B-Free thing... okay so yes, the full video might still be around. So RM and Suga and other rappers were invited to Kim Bong Hyun's Hip Hop Invitational 1st Anniversary Broadcast. I'm not sure if the full broadcast is still up, it use to be. But I've mostly just seen one particular fan cam and other short clips. If I can find the original, I'll link it to you guys. But during that even many fans were pissed because of B Free's words. You have to understand that B Free had a reputation before this, he was always problematic, his original record label that signed him, dropped him because he made comments he shouldn't have. Even though most clips show RM handling it smoothly, the tension was felt in that room. According to K-ARMYs who were there and taking lots of pics, B Free didn't like that fans were there for BTS. He didn't like when he was booed and Bangtan was cheered. He also didn't like fans telling him to stay on topic when he'd try to dodge a question by asking RM and Suga something else that was ridiculous. Suga was pissed throughout the interview, so much so that he broke the little switch on the mic he was holding that turns the mic on. RM had to hand him his mic lol. Suga looked like he wanted to jump across the table and slug B Free a few times. Since that day B Free has never been able to release music on Youtube, soundcloud, anywhere and not get thousands more dislikes than likes. He was let go of a second label, and last year he was dropped from that label when he assaulted another rapper- He was arguing/insulting another rapper on social media and it got heated so B Free demanded the guy's address. The other rapper, thinking B Free wanted to just come over and talk like adults, gave it to him. B Free showed up and hit him repeatedly until neighbors called the cops . The bitter sweet part is he was arrested the same day Suga released his second MixTape, D-2. Karma IS an ARMY after all. Yes, B Free did apologize twice in fact and both times he just had to come back around and start shit again. After the first apology he was doing some chit chat show thing, and he made comments about BTS and Bobby of IKON. He said he'd never apologize to either of them, and that he already said sorry to BTS fans once for being so sensitive so he feels there's no need to say anything more. Yet he did apologize again, right before dropping a new song/album... and ARMY saw right through that PR move. B Free is still serving jail time but I think he's due out soon or he's up for early release soon as long as he's behaved himself. I enjoyed each one of you giving your opinions and things, it's always nice to hear the views of others in a respectful way. I can't wait for you to react to more of this. Thanks ๐Ÿ’œ


Thank you Rachel.. Jerrick has the best character development ever lol


We in the same boat Irina. Glad you had the freedom to do whatever you wanted. I wanna see some of your work ๐ŸŽฅ


Cyphers coming soonโ€ฆ B free got what he deserved ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


Redemption 46 Studiosโ€ฆ PO Box 56836โ€ฆ Philadelphia, PA 19111

Yasmine SB

Good discussion. But there seems to be some confusion about the idol program... That's one of the flaws of the editing of this series : there is not a clear break line between the description of the kpop world and what differentiates them from BTS... rapline didn't start any training program before the vocal line was recruited, and their training period is one of the shortest in the history of kpop (Jimin did less than a year)... Then as their CEO said, they were not imposed any work rhythm, or diet or surgery, and their phones were not requisitioned. And by the way in the next episode, it is shown an ex-trainee complaining about BH rules, an excerpt followed by a statement from RM saying "it's suffocating" when he is talking about online haters comments and not BH, I don't know why this sentence was used out of context and keep in mind that at the time they were trainees, they were minors which explains why some rules were strict like hours of exit for example. There is also a list of companies published by a journalist after a deep investigation that still use "slave contracts" (you can check it on google), there are the Big3 (SM, YG and JYP)... they are very restrictive contracts where it is stipulated that the idols will have to pay back after starting all their training fees and other rules. For example Blackpink who had a training period of 5-6 years said in an interview in 2017 that their contract mentioned that they were not allowed to drink, smoke, drive, be in a relationship, go out clubbing, do surgery without permission... They were not even allowed to eat in the same room as boys... that's why I have a hard time finding their music authentic to reality.... BigHit has never been on this list of companies. BFree wasn't the only one who went after BTS... on the Kpop side they weren't spared either like Bobby (Ikon) who dissed BTS and RM in one of his raps for free, and when he was asked in a conference why he did that he didn't know how to answer and didn't take responsibility knowing that he usually only went after rappers from small companies and never dared to go after the others. . but RM answered him during a performance with a light feedback as he called it because according to him Bobby's rap was not aggressive enough to consider him a diss and he declared off the record "yeah it's ok, we high-fived but, we're not particularly close. Haha".

BTS Super Fan

Bang PD had their back. They faced hate and push back from EVERYONE. Other labels, media, everyone...not just BFree. But at the end of the day Bang PD made sure to stand for BTS.


Iโ€™m glad he did.. They music spoke loud too.. Ppl had to eat all their negative words


Thank you Yas. This was informative and insightful. Some of the comments we made about the training programs were general cause we know that big hit did things 1000% better than every other label. We plan on having open discussion at some point to really dive into all the training programs


๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ


The title is House of Cards, have you heard the song yet or seen the live for it? It is Amazing! My favorite vocal line song. ๐Ÿ’œ


Such a great discussion and everyone had such good points. I love how passionate you guys are.