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Redemption Reacts to BTS(방탄소년단) - Cypher Pt.2: Triptych (Colour Coded Lyrics Han/Rom/Eng)

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Carla M

Merry Christmas 💜

Rachel Lynn

Cypher 2 is my favourite! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!

April Forgue

Yes they have the Cypher's live you will see him do it one breath


Cypher 2 🔥🔥🔥 Merry Christmas guys !!


Too bad Nas and Jeric missed this! Would love to see their reaction


Yeah they were busy… they’ll be around for the next one


It’s a one take - he does it live




Welcome to the redemption family… hope you love it here 💜

Cynthia Newman

Watch the Cypher Live medley!!!!! It is definitely ONE TAKE!!!

Beth Christy

Glad y’all got to enjoy this one! I definitely had the same reactions the first time I heard it too. They are all soo different with the way they approach their verses but it meshes soo well together. They killed this one. I hope you guys have a great Christmas!! Stay safe and Enjoy!!

Irina BM

Suga does it live! That's why I can't wait for you guys to see it live. Hope the rest of the panel will be here for the cypher medley performance. My favorite cypher is pt. 3! Merry christmas guys 💜


Glad you feel us Beth.. this was dope tho.. You stay safe and be happy


I’ll try to get them around for when we do all these live performances of the cyphers 💜💜

Irina BM

Thank you Nick. The cypher medley performance that I sent you is the one to watch absolutely. Hope you enjoy the holidays, stay safe 💜

Nellie Z

Merry Christmas to all. Love Cypher 2. Reason why Jhope doesn't have more on this is that I heard that this is in response to the interview where RM and Suga were being put down by BFREE. Love the anime reference by RM. Suga's verse is awesome. At 5:10 in the middle of his fast verse, I know he's rapping in Korean...but I mishear it every time as "I can still go" and he does.

Hailey Ledesma

The Cycher melody of this 🤌🏼*chefs kiss*

Charity Begay

Yes, love this Cypher now on to Cypher 3. Definitely need to watch the Cypher live medley. Great reactions and comments and Merry Christmas. 👍🏾


Merry Christmas queen… definitely gotta do the live performances 🤗

Jenn Diaz

After Cypher 3 I hope you guys watch the medley, here's the link https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ulo8l .......also Nick, an fyi, Yoongi was sick during this performance, it was said he had been running a temp and struggled to breathe but he still went out there and killed it!! He's so impressive.

Tyra Pugh

I don’t think there’s a behind the scenes of this being filmed BUT there is a radio interview we’re Suga raps the fast part of his verse with the interviewers request! As well as a few live stages where he does as well back I believe in the Red Bullet tour(?) and then the All Force 1 perfroammcnex You can totally check those out in your own time but based off that clip, no inserts man just went off the booth, he can totally do it live.

Nu ao

Great!!!!! Are we getting rise of bangtan today?

Kharys A

I am preparing to travel today for my holidays vacations so I'll miss some reactions in the meantime but I can't miss this reaction to the "Cypher pt2" personally I think from 2 to 5 is when the cyphers show off the best of the rap line, pt1 was fine but is not my cup of tea, like someone else mentioned previously please guys react to the Cypher Medley live, it was insane and they performed the 5 cyphers but take your time and finish the rest of cyphers guys, I am happy that you like it and also like that you show love to the 3 rappers equally, J-Hope also spit bars!, Happy Holidays guys, I'll catch up on the rest of the reactions when I come back 😄💜


Yes my favorite Cypher!! Cant wait to see y’all react to the live medley 💜 and happy holidays !!


First off, Merry Christmas eve/Merry Christmas to everyone. Second, I would like to point out that the lyrics are a bit off with this and I hope you guys at some point check out DoolsetBangtan for lyrics. I'll leave the link to this cypher: https://doolsetbangtan.wordpress.com/2019/05/14/bts-cypher-pt-2-triptych/ So, Supreme boi produced this one- he actually worked on all the Cyphers with RM, Suga, and Hobi. J-hope was not involved in certain events that the other two members dig into, but he did dig into those who continued to doubt him because of his 'lack of rap experience'. Also his looks, J-Hope was trashed often for not fitting the korean beauty standards. He and Namjoon got the most hate for this. They were sent death threats even back then, however there wasn't much done about it. BigHit couldn't afford to do anything about it. J-hope's part is very 'J-hope' sounding as Keith pointed out, it suits him. And that's what the guys and supreme boi were going for. Choosing beats that suited each member's style, not just for their parts, but for them as people. These were sounds they liked. RM doesn't pull punches when he jumps into his part. There are so many lyrical twists and a lot of wordplay and some Korean sayings that it's impossible to really get how amazing his part is without knowing these things. This is why I linked the Doolsetbangtan translation. She's the most trustworthy source for translations. She also kindly explains the wordplay and everything to the best of her knowledge. So in RM's part, it's been debated on how much is aimed at B-Free. Suga's part, it's pretty easy to tell, but RM was vaguer with his part. Many believe his last few bars are directed at B-Free though. Suga's a beast, and anyone who says otherwise is either wrong or has never actually listened to him rap. It's not opinion, it's a fact he keeps on showing over and over. Especially back then. Suga also references things, and also uses quite a bit of wordplay in his part. His lyrics in this mostly go right to the throat, he tends to do that though. Suga mostly gets to the point, he's known to be a pretty blunt person to those who know him. It's believed that this line: "You, thinking my courtesy is your right, should quickly put your mic down" Was a reference to B-Free, Suga at one point in the interview let B-free speak even though Suga had already picked up his mic, because B-free is older, Suga was showing him courtesy, but B-Free made a remark like he had the right to speak over Suga. But, that's how most older people in Korea see things, those younger do not have a right to speak before them. It's getting better over the years, though manners are still something that is important to the general public. It's not known if that's exactly what Suga meant, or if it was even intended for B-Free. The only line we know is most certainly aimed at B-free is this one : “You go, to Hawaii,” go home" This line references a movie, but B-Free grew up in Hawaii, so Suga is telling him to "go home". This is the only direct B-Free related line. However, a lot of what RM and Suga tossed out can easily be seen as them telling off B-Free for the insults tossed at him. And maybe this Cypher is fully dedicated to B-Free. None of these three have said either way, but this was released, and many fans made connections within the lyrics to the insults that B-free and a two other K-rappers were tossing at them during that special podcast event. I will add that Suga's ending line is a personal favorite of mine: "I draw the period onto the artery of your music career" Doctors put a dot, or period to mark where they need to cut for surgeries. Cutting an artery would lead to death. So, he's saying he's ending these trash rappers' careers. The heavy breathing is for effect. If you get an artery in your neck cut, your body will react and you'll gasp for air, maybe breath heavily depending on where you're cut. The 'crazy' laugh at the end just pulls it together. I love the Cyphers, and part of me really hopes they come back with a new one. I doubt it will happen, but I can dream lol. This was one of my shorter comments, but there's more content you dropped. lol. I look forward to you reacting to Cypher part 3: Killer. Thanks again 💜

Irina BM

Thanks Jenn! but I believe this video is mixed with fancams bc it's blocked on youtube. You can find the official live with the right cameras here so I hope they'll react to this one :) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ulo8l

Jenn Diaz

Irina, thanks for that.....idk how to reply directly to you on this app😭😭 but I'll go ahead and edit the link in case others don't see your comment.


you should watch this live. suga does his verse live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT930XF1vzA


its also cypher 3


sorry its cypher 4

Joua Xiong

As always….thanks for feeding us!!!! Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

Irina BM

Again, sorry but this video is mixed with fancams bc it was blocked on youtube so it feels a bit off 😭😭 Please watch the official one with the right cameras 🙏 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ulo8l

Nellie Z

I always love your comments as you express what I would if I understood Korean and the boys better


Thanks Nellie <3 I only know all this much because I have family and friends who live in Korea and are Korean. Without them I wouldn't understand this stuff either lol. Now, if the guys release a song in Kenien'keha(Mohawk), then I'll actually feel smart lol.

Suncedars Hul

Yesss thank you 💜💜

leah bryant

please watch official cypher medley performance once all cyphers are done! it was blocked on youtube so you have to watch it off dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ulo8l


Great reaction yall love you guys!! 😊💜


Please react to ‘OUTRO: TEAR’ and ‘DDAENG’ ! Outro: Tear Live Performance - Eng Sub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDuaJGYe8EQ (This video had pretty good and has the lyrics translated to English.) This is a tear-jerking performance the rap line wrote this when they were considering disbandment. I cried my first time watching this and hearing the pain in Hobi’s voice lol. DDAENG: I know you guys like to see the production process of the Tannies making music so you can see a little bit of that here: This is NOT the actual performance it’s more so the making of the song and rehearsals… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEiT2mO97fA (The original Bangtan Bomb didn’t have subs so this channel translated for non- Korean speakers.)


This one is my favorite


Love the reactions. Can't wait for you all to see the Cypher Medley! :)


RM killed this one for me boyyy ra ra ra raaa

Tay Tay

i hope you guys will react to the Cypher Medley 🥲 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ulo8l