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Redemption Reacts to [MV] BTS(방탄소년단) _ Run

Hello everyone; WELCOME BACK ARMY. YALL GONNA LOVE THIS REACTION. Like, Comment, Subscribe and let us know what else you'd like us to react to. About Us - Redemption 46 Studios is an award-winning video production company and creative agency specializing in commercial, corporate and broadcast television production. Since our establishment in 2005, our mission has always been to produce engaging and imaginative films that inform, entertain and inspire. We pride ourselves on being visual storytellers and bringing a fresh perspective to each of our productions. PLEASE SHOW LOVE AND SUPPORT OUR PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/RDM46 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: rdm46studios@gmail.com BUSINESS PAGE - https://www.redemption46.com Follow us on Ig & Twitter - Redemption46 Original link to [MV] BTS(방탄소년단) _ Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wn85Ge22FQ #Army #BTS #RUN #방탄소년단 #Reaction #KPOP #HYBE #BIGHIT #BU Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.



The tension between me and Rms verse😔 truly an iconic era


I WAS WAITING FOR THIS❤️ and you guys should react to BTS-Let Go live stage


I love his part sm, the fact that I’m fluent in his part too😩




RUN IS SO ICONIC!! THE MV!! THE HAIR COLORS!! A MASTERPIECE!!! Thanks for the reaction, been waiting on this for so long. As usual I loved y’all feedback, a great discussion.


Orange Jimin was a different beast. Perfect Man cover, and all their performances.🔥

Irina BM

This era is definitely a turning point in their career! They also have a MV japanese version for both songs I NEED U and RUN, that are part of the BU too. Y'all should react to Butterfly too. And yes, orange haired Jimin and mint haired Suga really hit different. Iconic!! ❤️🔥


omg orange hair jimin and mint green hair yoongi!! I loved those hair colors on them sm


Waiting for some BTS live concert reactions 😫✊🏽, “Attack On Bangtan Live (Japan Epilogue)” HITS BRO ❤️‍🔥 waiting for that one SHEEEESH https://youtu.be/gP0Vo0U3Yn8 please y’all must do this I’m begging 🙏🏽

Carla M (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:08:28 YESSSSS <3
2022-01-07 18:11:19 YESSSSS <3


Erica Phifer (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:08:26 Will never get tired of this song! I have watched this MV so many times. Once again I love the reaction and the convo after :)
2022-01-07 18:13:59 Will never get tired of this song! I have watched this MV so many times. Once again I love the reaction and the convo after :)

Will never get tired of this song! I have watched this MV so many times. Once again I love the reaction and the convo after :)


omg that perfect man cover... jimin solidified his bias spot for me with that performance🔥

Keela Richards

The dance practice is hella amazing..you see a different side of each


You can feel the turning point in a good way and orange hair jimin 🔥🔥

Irina BM

right, this is when he turned everyone into a Jimin stan.. His power is real 🔥


They’re coming lol.. just trying get caught up a little 1st


I believe what's next is the wings short films, are y'all going to watch it all in one? (I'd suggest that). Much love and thanks again for the reaction. It's alright to come up with your interpretation, that's the fun with the BU, then at the end when you watch the explanation videos, you'll be even more blown away.


We might depending on time and who’s all here.. can’t wait to see them all explained

Jolisa Lynch

Y’all should react to Ma City from the album and watch this performance of it https://youtu.be/CVdKuYyLLV8

Jolisa Lynch

Y’all should react to Autumn Leaves from this album and here’s the lyric video https://youtu.be/Z-DdQUszwoc

Christina (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:08:26 As many other people have said, this song is part of a whole Bangtan Universe. This means that there are music videos connected to one another to create one big story. They also have a webtoon on this as well as notes and short films. Once again, thank you for your reaction!
2022-01-07 18:47:12 As many other people have said, this song is part of a whole Bangtan Universe. This means that there are music videos connected to one another to create one big story. They also have a webtoon on this as well as notes and short films. Once again, thank you for your reaction!

As many other people have said, this song is part of a whole Bangtan Universe. This means that there are music videos connected to one another to create one big story. They also have a webtoon on this as well as notes and short films. Once again, thank you for your reaction!

Lala woods

Jerrick would have loved this video 😂 you guys cracked me up so much during the reaction


Lo mentioned ON being part of the BU, but ON is one of the MV's that isn't directly connected to the BU- However, there are little easter eggs in the MV of ON that reference the BU. As I had mentioned before- There are select MV's that are directly related- But there are also easter eggs/references in other MV's that do pertain to the BU. It's part of what makes it fun to watch every MV and try to see if we can find what connects and what doesn't. Yes, this was the turning point for BTS. This pulled in people and turned many into ARMYs. I had mentioned this before to- Listen to everything carefully, every sound serves a purpose. I don't want to delve too much, because I want to spoil things, I rather hear what you guys come up with. You're going to be confused, it's okay to be confused- Hell most ARMYs are still confused lol. It is left open enough, but there is a basic story going on- but again, you'll get to that in time. All I will say, is take your time with the BU, I'm sure none of us mind if you go at your own pace. Save XCelete's videos for last of course. I'd suggest starting from 2 kool 4 skool and working your way up. But that's just my opinion. Whatever you choose, I'll watch to hear your thoughts on every album. Now, before I spoil things, I'm going to shut up and continue watching the lovely content drop for today. lol. 💜


Please react to RM “Monster” lyrics video https://youtu.be/7kRee_11ucs And if you haven’t seen some of RM’s collabs RM and Wale “Change” https://youtu.be/9rAyprZdo7o RM and Fall Out Boy “Champion” remix https://youtu.be/2N3tsq-0FHA RM and Mandy Ventrice “Fantastic” https://youtu.be/NkwdwAaJ_Ho RM and MFBTY “BuckuBucku” https://youtu.be/6D95qPuVBHM

Taylor H.

I loved this. I am so excited that you guys are starting down the BU rabbit hole. lol After you go in chronological order (the way you are now) please watch xceleste's videos on youtube. Specifically, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-DEu3ZJtEU I'm sure you've probably seen it already, but I think it's such an eye opener and helps us to watch for the clues. I love the commentary that you all bring to the tables and each one's perspective. I'm excited for this journey. Love ya'll.

April Forgue

Anyone else excited for BTS Chako on 1/15 along with Jungkook OST produced by Suga not sure when OST coming I would like to guess same time idk.

Naj Williams

"I've never seen them do such behaviour" bro v killed his dad in the last one........

Naj Williams

I think the next is epilogue young forever before wings short films

Naj Williams

so technically Jin doesn't time travel but goes to a different universe/dimension/timeline when he's going back to save his friends and Tae has dreams of what occurs in the different timelines


"be careful with him" LMAO LO 😭😭

Joua Xiong


Danelly Mani

I hope you guys can add butterfly live comeback stage to the list of things to watch. The vocals are immaculate. And in the future maybe some Japanese songs like film out or your eyes tell. Been loving y’all’s reactions. Thanks for being consistent.

Yasmine SB

Run is produced by Pdogg but written by RM, V, Jungkook, JHope, Suga, Hitman Bang and Pdogg... All the team between producers and BTS was intimatly involved in this album's trilogy. The group explained that the first album "The Most Beautiful Moment In Life Pt1" is about "how youth is tiring and difficult, and it also touched on how we feel like we’re always on edge." And the Pt2 "will have a more adventurous and daring feel to it. That’s why our title song is ‘Run’." Ok, Let develop some lyrics without spoiling: YOU’RE MY SUN, THE ONE AND ONLY IN THIS WORLD I BLOOM FOR YOU, BUT YOU MAKE ME THIRSTY IT’S TOO LATE, TOO LATE I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU EVEN IF I‘M DRYING OUT, I TRY HARDER TO REACH YOU Namjoon uses a metaphor to label himself as a flower with the person being the sun. While the sun is extremely important for plants to thrive and be healthy, as they need photosynthesis to survive, “I can’t live without you”, he expresses how too much of the “sun” dry him out, making him “thirsty”. With too much intensity and light, rather than helping him prosper in his environment, his “sun” deprives him of his necessities, causing a metaphorical drought. This leads him to start “drying out” because of the “sun”. He highlights the importance of this person to him, as he uses the phrase “one and only in this world”, conveying his feelings for this person. He feels strongly towards them, and even while he is “drying out”, from his “sun”, he still tries to get to them despite his own suffering. AT LEAST I CAN SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU V is saying that he doesn’t mind all of the pain of this “relationship” (if it really is that, who knows). He will go through the hardships because he loves this other person, and this person makes all the pain worth it. MEMORIES CRUMBLE LIKE DRIED FLOWER PETALS These last three words can be taken in two different ways. The first way is in reference to the HYYH storyline. In the story, flower petals symbolize the members of BTS. They are “dried up” here which means that they have nothing left to keep them going. The characters in the story all have their own terrible fates (I can’t develop the rest coz I’ll spoil it). The second way is to take a more imaginative approach, something about BTS themselves and not their fictional universe. Flowers are associated with youth, beauty, and pleasure. But as they wilt and die, flowers represent fragility and the swift passage from life into death. The good things in their life seem to be over. They no longer are young and free, the idol life is taking its toll on them. I’M CHASING BUTTERFLIES “Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. Butterflies are not only beautiful, but also have mystery, symbolism and meaning and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope and life.”

laura zane

i love this video!! thanks! since you started tbmil part 2 please dont forget "forever young" please! is so beatiful and once of jimimsAnd mine favourite


Jesus Christ this was informative… thanks for all the info 💜

Yasmine SB

Oh and btw fun fact about the Nirvana thing. One of the multiple tattoos of JK is "Rather be dead than cool" which is from Nirvana's track "Stay Away" from the Studio album "Nevermind" which is also a track by Suga and a tattoo on Jimin's chest. This breakthrough album gave a voice to the post-baby boom young adults known as Generation X as well as the present’s Generation Z, or, what is left of the grunge community in Generation Z... Which is maybe why BTS referenced him in their MVs from this trilogy. And "Rather be dead than cool" in Nirvana's track shows us that Kurt Cobain (R.I.P) wasn’t bothered about whether or not people disagreed with him, or did not like his image or thought process, and he didn’t want to pretend to be something he wasn’t just to be popular; he wanted to be himself, and if he couldn’t achieve that, he would rather die than live with that fake persona. Real cool is dead. It has been transformed, transmogrified actually, into “corporate cool.” Cool is no longer what you become through your own creative expression, your dedication to being original. Instead, it is what you are told is cool, through advertisements, as a stimulus to get you to buy. The word has been re-engineered to describe the exact opposite of what it originally meant. So now we have Nike cool, Pepsi cool, even extreme sports cool. JK often said that "rather be dead than cool" is his life motto.


I’m remembering what Keith said in the Fake Love video. This is one of the songs that is connected to Fake love. Love the reaction and feedback 💙


im pretty sure jimin's tattoo was inspired by suga's song not nirvana's although still very cool

Yasmine SB

Oh guys just an advice sometimes the MVs teasers gives some additionnal clues, It would be great to add them to the reaction before the MV related.. Each teaser is between 30'' and 50", it will help you a lot.


I also forgot to mention that this song- Run- is produced by PDogg. And Written by RM, Suga, J-hope, Pdogg, 'Hitman' Bang, V, and Jungkook. Those are the official credits. 💜

Yasmine SB

Yes Jimin's tattoo was inspired by Suga's track... I was just talkin about what is common between the 2 artists (BTS and Nirvana) in term of philosophy and commitments... Even JK never mentionned Nirvana but just his life motto which is a very famous sentence from "Stay Away"... All these elements including the shirt (worn by RM and V in the MVs, the 2 characters linked) make it likely that Nirvana has inspired BTS to some extent.

Jenn Diaz

ON isn't part of the BU. I don't remember Armys ever saying it was, although there's some that want to tie in every. single.thing. to the BU....they can't let go😂😂


Yeah they said it has Easter eggs in it and that’s it 😩

BTS Super Fan

Xceleste is the only person that has ever been able to break down the BU to me. I love the BU but it is complex and her explainer series on it is EXCELLENT.

Jenn Diaz

The mv's that are connected to the BU will say "BU content certified by Big Hit Entertainment" in the description.

Lexi (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:08:21 Great reaction and love you guys thank you for your hard work and time 😊💜 Also please react to BTS Let Me Know, BTS Young Forever, BTS Tomorrow, &amp; BTS Hip Hop Phile. As well as BTS Truth Untold &amp; BTS House of Cards.
2022-01-08 03:51:18 Great reaction and love you guys thank you for your hard work and time 😊💜 Also please react to BTS Let Me Know, BTS Young Forever, BTS Tomorrow, & BTS Hip Hop Phile. As well as BTS Truth Untold & BTS House of Cards.

Great reaction and love you guys thank you for your hard work and time 😊💜 Also please react to BTS Let Me Know, BTS Young Forever, BTS Tomorrow, & BTS Hip Hop Phile. As well as BTS Truth Untold & BTS House of Cards.


im excited and looking forward to their reaction to Hip Hop Phile !!😭 hopefully some time soon


OMG yess I can't wait either also I'm excited to see what they got cooked up for the Jhope and JK songs 😊💜


Hopefully, you guys can start with the album reviews..😅...because they have a lot of albums to review...and there's rumour for the new album to be released in probably February? but of course, you guys can focus on full studio albums first 😁


And my first live and aware of the existence of bts was through the live performance in MAMA 2015. I'm a fan of the other older kpop group , saw RM in K variety show , bcm a fan of him but not sure he was in which group (bcs they hv 2 names obviously 🤣) and saw him with his group for the first time in MAMA doing the iconic dance 'dashi run run run' and kinda said "wow..those guys are hot" and that's about it! 🤭 not until 2017 I found them again in BBMA and the rest is history


I think nobody has commented about this yet. But i think yall should start considering including the dance practice to some of mv reactions if you dont have any plans of creating a solo reaction to the dance practice. Like just pull up the video during your reactions. I love their choreography of this. It's insane and it's enjoyable to watch. Son seung-deuk is such an extraordinary choreographer. The details are on-point 👌💯 I watched it on-repeat.


Those videos might be an hour long so you’d get less content lol… more solo dance practices coming soon


Honestly the BU confuses the hell out of me. One moment I thought I knew what was happening and the next someone will make a comment that makes more sense and I'm like lost again. Its still interesting tho.


Lol it’s a lot to take in but you can interrupt it in your own way