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Heidi Robles

Dang I missed it :/


Me toooo😭😭😭😭😭

Sara Seidu

Same here it was sadly around 6am where i live 😭

Irina BM

Same, it was 6am here lol


I would be sleep lmao


Aw man, I missed it. Hopefully there will be another one again at some point.💜

Erica Phifer

Damn I was working lmao

Nellie Z

Ugh, I was getting ready to sleep. sorry to miss


Damn I missed the Zoom call? I didn’t know y’all was going to do it that fast lol I was tired ass hell last night.


Aw I missed it :(

Lala woods

It was fun chatting with you guys 😊 I swear you guys are my favorite reactors like I felt like I was just chilling with friends and I got to talk to other redeemers which is always fun


Y’all gotta do another one

Magical Creature

Dang it i missed it hpe u guys do an another one🤗


nooo i missed it 🥲 y'all gotta do another one and schedule it so a lot more of us can join! 💜