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Thank you so much for being kind to us while we were sick and for all the love and support y’all give us… We love you guys so much…

Zoom meeting this Friday (2/4/22) at 8pm eastern time… Y’all can ask questions and just chill with us for a few (I’ll post the link that night)… Plus Friday is gonna be full of some dope content 🔥🔥

We’re still working out some  schedule stuff so be patient with us. It’s Black History Month and someone has a birthday in a few weeks 💜💜

Stay safe, love yourself and go listen to some dope K-pop music 🙏🏽



Thanks for the content as always. Get some rest everyone and stay healthy. 💜💜

ᥫ᭡ (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:04:10 Happy Black history month! We also see how hard all of y’all work to provide us with quality content so it’s only right to show love and support back. I’ll see y’all Friday & Love you all too🤎🤎
2022-02-02 04:09:31 Happy Black history month! We also see how hard all of y’all work to provide us with quality content so it’s only right to show love and support back. I’ll see y’all Friday & Love you all too🤎🤎

Happy Black history month! We also see how hard all of y’all work to provide us with quality content so it’s only right to show love and support back. I’ll see y’all Friday & Love you all too🤎🤎

Nellie Z

Glad to see everyone seems to be feeling better. Thanks for keeping us updated


No thank yall, I appreciate the effort y’all always put into releasing amazing content for us I also appreciate y’all for keeping us updated on u guys health. I hope y’all always stay healthy and safe. Happy Black History Month🤎💜🤎💜🤎💜

Kentonna S

We see and feel your blood, sweat and tears (your hard work) to provide us with great content and it’s much appreciated! Excited about what’s to come Friday! Take care of yourselves and your overall well bring! Love you guys too🧡💜❤️

Hilary Angouing

Thank y’all always for the dedication❤️❤️ and February is also J-hope’s aka ARMY sunshine month so I can’t wait for to see what special videos of his you’re gonna checkout

Qualla Jungkook Reed💜BTS💜

No Thank y'all for the work and love and that you put into your reactions I love it we love it and it wouldn't have mattered how long we had to wait you guys are worth the wait BTSArmyredener for life 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


No thank y’all, you didn’t have to post videos but yall still put the effort and did even under your conditions. I’m looking forward to your reactions later this week 💜 thank you for everything love u guys

Frances (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:04:10 Thanks for all your efforts - agree with the other comments about taking care of yourselves, whether it’s health/work/life related. We just want you all to keep having fun, and for your channel & Patreon to not turn into an obligation for you.
2022-02-02 04:33:20 Thanks for all your efforts - agree with the other comments about taking care of yourselves, whether it’s health/work/life related. We just want you all to keep having fun, and for your channel & Patreon to not turn into an obligation for you.

Thanks for all your efforts - agree with the other comments about taking care of yourselves, whether it’s health/work/life related. We just want you all to keep having fun, and for your channel & Patreon to not turn into an obligation for you.


Thank you for your efforts and all of the content you give us!! Take care and stay healthy 💜

Lexi (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:04:07 Thanks for the great content and Happy Black History Month. Also yall stay safe and healthy take all the time you need for these great videos yall put out. So ready for Hobiuary I need his content lol I'm rdy I been waiting for reactions to some of his solo projects lol. Could yall react to JHope Daydream, JHope Airplane, JHope Blueside (full version), & JHope Piece of Peace (P.O.P.) only if yall still taking requests for his reactions tho other than that once again I love yall and stay safe and healthy 😊💜🙏
2022-02-02 04:42:15 Thanks for the great content and Happy Black History Month. Also yall stay safe and healthy take all the time you need for these great videos yall put out. So ready for Hobiuary I need his content lol I'm rdy I been waiting for reactions to some of his solo projects lol. Could yall react to JHope Daydream, JHope Airplane, JHope Blueside (full version), & JHope Piece of Peace (P.O.P.) only if yall still taking requests for his reactions tho other than that once again I love yall and stay safe and healthy 😊💜🙏

Thanks for the great content and Happy Black History Month. Also yall stay safe and healthy take all the time you need for these great videos yall put out. So ready for Hobiuary I need his content lol I'm rdy I been waiting for reactions to some of his solo projects lol. Could yall react to JHope Daydream, JHope Airplane, JHope Blueside (full version), & JHope Piece of Peace (P.O.P.) only if yall still taking requests for his reactions tho other than that once again I love yall and stay safe and healthy 😊💜🙏


yesss can't wait for the reactions to his solo projects... also please react to his mv boy meets evil!💜


Ouuu yes he killed boy meets evil literally killed it 😊


I appreciate y’all so much for constantly trying to put out content for us eager ass fans. All while some of the crew being sick etc. I’m glad y’all kept us updated so we can be informed on everything. I love y’all💙💙 and can’t wait for the zoom. Happy Black history month 🖤🖤

Lala woods

Thank you for always giving us great content. Happy black history month 💜💜💜


We be working working lol this gonna be a good month 🔥🔥


Appreciate that Frances.. definitely won’t overdo it 🙏🏽

Irina BM

Thank you, you guys are so far the best reactors, the amount of quality content, I appreciate it. For Hobi's birthday would be nice to react to his dance too like Hope on the street or 3J Home dance practice. Take care, love you guys 💜💜

Jenny Philippe

Thank you’ll so much and happy black history month!! This month is filled with so many NCT member’s birthdays, so it would be nice to see more content from them. Maybe even a guide or something like that would be nice. Anyways, thank you for all the great content. Stay safe out there.


This is my third month here on Patreon with you guys so far. I know you have loads of things you want to react to so I'll wait patiently for my favs and enjoy the rest of the content. Love you guys💖💖💖


I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Looking forward to the awesome content you have for us. I was going to request some videos but I think I'll wait a bit and see what you all have planned. I don't want to overwhelm you guys. Thanks for everything. Love ya guys. Stay safe and healthy. 💜🤗


Wait, who's birthday is coming up?

Nakia Smith (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:04:07 Just wanted to recommend InternetsNathan for "historical" k-pop videos. I like their Big Bang videos a lot.
2022-02-02 14:11:08 Just wanted to recommend InternetsNathan for "historical" k-pop videos. I like their Big Bang videos a lot.

Just wanted to recommend InternetsNathan for "historical" k-pop videos. I like their Big Bang videos a lot.

Kenny (edited)

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2022-02-06 18:04:06 Thank you, for just going on this journey and giving a lot of us some much needed laughs and an overall good time! I'm sure we're all just glad you're all healthy and safe. Glad everyone is feeling better, Happy Black History Month and Happy Early Birthday to whoever it is coming up <3
2022-02-02 19:34:27 Thank you, for just going on this journey and giving a lot of us some much needed laughs and an overall good time! I'm sure we're all just glad you're all healthy and safe. Glad everyone is feeling better, Happy Black History Month and Happy Early Birthday to whoever it is coming up <3

Thank you, for just going on this journey and giving a lot of us some much needed laughs and an overall good time! I'm sure we're all just glad you're all healthy and safe. Glad everyone is feeling better, Happy Black History Month and Happy Early Birthday to whoever it is coming up <3


Lol!! I know it's J-HOPE'S birthday. 😁 But is one of you guys having a birthday this month? When you said someone has a birthday this month did you mean JHope? Because if you did I'm gonna feel really dumb. 🤔🤣


pretty sure they meant Hobi, cus the purple hearts


Lol!! Thanks Madison 👍 ☺️




guys plssss react to this hidden track on the love yourself her album!!! it's called sea! it so good omg. the link is https://youtu.be/K2pLIcGHUEE


you should most def check out jhope's album called hope world!! daydream, airplane pt.1 , and one verse are sooo good!!! daydream- https://youtu.be/OK3GJ0WIQ8s airplane pt. 1- https://youtu.be/8O_MwlZ2dEg one verse- https://youtu.be/X9VNWbPgxRs


omg not to be annoying but also check out mikrokosmos , serendipity, and magic shop live!! mikrokosmos- https://youtu.be/aVp4cosKgqM serendipity- https://youtu.be/r3xSwoD5Zz4 magic shop- https://youtu.be/B-GdJnH9qvY


Glad everyone is getting better. Looking forward to the live.


I'm ready for hobiuary content!!🤩 , glad you guys are healthy and covid free. Please take a good care of yourself. Yall are the best reactors. I'm actually a youtube army, 😅 I bcm an army by watching a spring day zumba video, after knowing the lyrics n history behind the song, I finally admitted, I am a bts army at 38 yo. That was 5 years ago 🤭. I was a second generation fans long before bts. But never interested to join any fandom. I was a kpoppy. I've listened to everything, much like Lo said in the kpop history video. As long as the music is good I'm on it. I will bcm a fan. But in 2017 something happened to me n my family. I felt empty. True to the quote from army legend that said bts will find you when you needed them the most. It literally happened to me🤧 years as a fan of kpop never once I'm interested in BTS eventhough I m very much aware of RM😍 saw their videos 1 or 2 times but that's it. But in 2017 , it changed.

Jenny Philippe

I would also love to see some album reactions!!!


Soon… once our schedule and Covid are chillin… need a full panel for that 🙏🏽


We ready lol. Happy BHM and can't wait til Friday! Also could yall react to Girls Generation MV Catch me if you can korean version. They are one of the kpop giants and they're 15th anniversary is coming up soon. They're still together they have been on hiatus since 2017 but they're coming back for the anniversary . Much Love 💘

Nakia Smith (edited)

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2022-02-11 11:45:49 Big Bang comeback in the spring. Y’all should get to know them before then. K-pop has been without the kings for 4 years so it’ll be huge.
2022-02-07 02:16:36 Big Bang comeback in the spring. Y’all should get to know them before then. K-pop has been without the kings for 4 years so it’ll be huge.

Big Bang comeback in the spring. Y’all should get to know them before then. K-pop has been without the kings for 4 years so it’ll be huge.