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We’re live baby lol 



Erin Lee

Hey guys, I tried to get on but my phone is acting stupid and I can't hear anything. And I can't figure out how to message while in the Zoom either. Love you guys! Sorry I can't hang...that's what I get for being an old head. Lol

Savady Pach

Too shy to jump on 😂


Couldn't get on this time I was at church so I'll catch yall next time when I work lol

Xia Lias

Literally just saw this xD


It’s so fun, don’t be scared the guys make u feel so comfortable


Ahh time difference is big for us😭

Irina BM

It was fun! and its ok you can mute yourself and just talk through messages, its a safe place :)


One of the Best Nights of my life!!! I had so much fun talking and laughing with everybody.

Erica Phifer (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-06 18:02:50 Had fun talking with you all :)
2022-02-05 19:59:01 Had fun talking with you all :)

Had fun talking with you all :)

Amanda Rose Reyes

Me too I'm so new to Zoom and how it works. I was on for a little bit but it's so difficult on a phone.


I had so much fun with you guys I couldn't stop laughing


Y’all funny ash, I’m so glad I was able to be there💜