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The episode is about to drop. We accidentally skipped to 12 (Don’t know how we jumped to it).. This was a very emotional episode for us 

Hope you guys enjoy it..

‘We love you guys and appreciate all the support you give us… 

PS - Clearly we’re going to watch episodes 10 & 11


Hilary Angouing

Lmao what💀💀 how did y’all manage to skip 2 episodes😭😩

Cynthia Newman

Ooohhh yay!!!! Been waiting for this! I'm excited to see you guys react to it. It was emotional for me too 💜


Thank You 🥺🥺

Velma Clario

aye lets gooooo, we get more


Hey I'm just happy to get Rise of Bangtan, love watching people react to it


yayyy can't wait!! love watching this series with you, thank you💜

Shna Faruq

Yaaaaaay!!! I was about to throw hands. Mess up is fine. Happens to the best of us.

Irina BM

nooooo you skipped two of my favorites 😢 hope you will catch up with these. Thank you anyway.


Mess up's happen. it's fine though. We all have those days.

HeyMe R

Well we don't want to miss the two you missed. I do hope you guys get to check them out.

Cynthia Newman

Wait, u still need to react to ep 10 & 11 also

Cynthia Newman

I didn't mean that rudely, hope it didn't come across like that, I was just confused when I went through your episodes

Mariah j

That's okay💗 u can just watch the other episodes later...this was a sad episode for me too ngl😭

Jin The prince

It’s ok you can always go back and watch them and I’m just happy that your back watching them. 💜💜

Lala woods

Wait I can’t see the video Nick 😫

Lala woods

Nah you’re good you can always go back not a big deal


ok i was confused for a sec lol, its all good! gonna watch it rn!

nini anderssen

please watch ep 10. lmao that my fave haha i was waiting for it


Ok so I’ve been timing watching Rise with you guys. I watched up to ep 11 waiting for your reactions. Since you skipped and watched 12, I just rewatched 10 and 11 to recap and got emotional. I will watch 12 before watching your reaction but need to wait until after work. I work from home but I don’t want to get a video call while I’m crying LOL.


Cool, is there going to be a bts run episode?


And I need to watch 10 n 11 😅, thought I'll watch it with yall. Since you accidentally skipped 10 n 11 (and it's ok 👌) I'll watch it first😅😉 and then rewatch it again with yall😁🙏

Faith Lasty

Where’s the video ?


I dont think they’re reacting to the videos yet. Probably next week?

Faith Lasty

Oh lol I was confused cuz it said it was about to drop


Isn't this series amazing? The work put into this by mainly one woman is incredible.