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BTS (防弾少年団) - THE STARS (Color Coded Kan|Rom|Eng Lyrics)

This is "BTS (防弾少年団) - THE STARS (Color Coded Kan|Rom|Eng Lyrics)" by Nicolas Wood on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I haven't hear The Stars in a while I forgot how much I liked it 😩can you react to Di-sease and Blue&Gray lyric videos


MY FAVORITE JAPANESE SONG FROM THEM!!! THANK YALL FOR REACTING TO THIS SONG!!! I was not expecting this at all lmaoo JHope will always deliver on a song no matter what and he ate this track up. The way he flowed over this beat was just GOD TIER. I think y’all should get more into their Japanese discography specifically just the original songs , my faves are The Stars and Wishing on a Star. Anyways entire song is just amazing and it makes me sad that this is one of their underrated songs and a lot of people don’t really care to check this track out so thank y’all so much


I was not expecting this drop lol 😂 The Stars is such a great song, another song that gives me a nostalgic feeling. Similar to like Lo said, it does sound like a Jay Z song ft Alicia Keys or something. Anyways JHOPE verse was 🔥🔥 his flow was crazy. Can you guys react to Wishing on the Stars it’s another Japanese song by BTS. Thank y’all for the reaction!! ❤️


Okay this drop ??? BTS’ Japanese songs are just top tier, they never miss 😭

Khushi Jain

BTS’ japanese songs are just 🔥


Never, I'm waiting on the Airplane pt 2 and Crystal Snow; those might be my fave Japanese songs.

Alex Turnbull

YES!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you would love this, its so underrated and because its on the japanese album exclusively not everyone knows about it, but Jhopes verse i knew you would love that especially. Definitely also check out 134340, 2nd Grade, Autumn Leaves, Look Here, Rain, Just One Day, Let me know, Dis-ease, Wishing on a Star and Airplane pt 2 (lyrics and live) so happy with the content you're putting out, i hope you are feeling better though since you mentioned being under the weather really appreciate you,


Kem Johnson

It's funny but the beginning melody reminds me of The Jackson Five's I want you back. And this is one of their songs I have not heard before because I haven't listened to all of their Japanese tracks. So, Thanks Redemption 46!




this is my fav song from, its so underappreciated


YES, Airplane pt 2 MV is so beautiful, hope they do it soon. Crystal Snow has a special place in my heart, not to mention Jin's triple note near the end ? whew

HeyMe R

JHope was just showing off on this one. J-Hope, I don’t miss!!! Honestly kinda sounds like H to the Izzo beat also on the Blue Print. This song is literally a mix of NYC hip hop songs sung in Japanese. Lol You mentioned Jimin’s high notes, from what I’ve put together it looks like Jimin had the ability to do the high notes but didn’t really know how to use his voice. BTS has mentioned in several docs that Jimin used to cry b/c he didn’t know how to sing. It amazes me how much raw talent he has and it’s only gotten better with time.


Yay finally lol :)


Yes in burn the stage his biggest problem was not knowing how to use his voice. He was only made to sing cause he couldn't rap but then didn't receive voice lessons until later on their career. It's crazy how far he's come, and he'll for sure get better over time.


All of their Japanese songs from like 2014 are super underrated. For You, Wishing on a Star, Wake up, etc don’t get as much attention as they should.


Pls do the live ver https://youtu.be/w_Pj9aDC-ME it has subs in another language & the quality isn’t that good bcs it’s a old video but it’s still good


I am so glad you did this one. One of my favorite Japanese songs. This is on their Wake up album. Once again... color coded lyrics fail lol The beginning lines that are in English are actually NOT Suga, it's KM- Markit who is a popular Japanese artist who just jumped on this track with them. I love the live of this.. I think someone linked the one with english subtitles. But this and Crystal Snow are two of my favorite Japanese songs. Thanks for the content drop again. 💜💜💜


Lol we done with some of these color coded videos but the track is fire none the less 💜


There are some good ones, who don't add music at the end. But some just do it for money. The song is still really great. and KM-Markit helped write this one. I just mentioned it in another comment- He's helped them with Japanese tracks and he's a Japanese artist himself.

Rebecca Kelly

j-hop I don't miss man


Lol I keep replaying J-Hope’s part for your reaction 🤣


I love you guys, 😍 you always drop your videos past 1 am in the morning at this side of the world, and sometimes I can enjoy and watching your reaction before I went to work. You guys always made my day brighter n happier with yall reaction. I love how yall reacted to this video. Put smile on my face n make my mood better😍🥰😁


Glad you discovered this. This is one of my favorite japanese track. I don't know if you know "Good Day" it's in japanese and very good too


The Japanese songs are bangers too 😤

laura zane

Bts japanese songs have a different taste, like more movie like vibe and your friend was right, I get what he was saying. My fave japanese songs are crystals snow and let go soooo good


Great reaction guys I loved it keep em coming 😊💜


Imma be honest... I forgot this song existed💀💀