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Hi Beautiful Redeemers 🥰. Hope y’all enjoying all the Suga content. My guy deserves all the love he can get today…

We‘re getting are hotel and plane tickets all booked together to go to the BTS Concert in Vegas. We’ll be there April 14th - 17th. We actually might go to both days (We’re looking for a few more tickets lol). When we’re out there we want to Vlog, meet and greet with redeemers, possibly link with other reactors, etc..

To help support our adventure make sure you stay on here next month and please donate to our cash app $RDM46 

We appreciate all the love and support you show us. This trip will be fun and our Vlogs and other content will definitely be fun 



I actually live in Vegas and I'm going the 16th the last day :)

kori spikes

yayy! you guys have fun!!!🧡🧡

laura zane

happy you get so have tickets for at least a day!! danm a bts concert ticket sometimes feel like is such a luxury lmao. Apparently they will change the setlist a bit for the seoul concert, big hit said they put every bts song up and choose from there! so cool! idk if they would do then that setlist or the LA one but in every case it seems it will be a blast. Just hope they keep the blackswan performance from the LA concert becausse it was majestic. Have fun!! hopefully they will come in Europe this summer and i will ( hopefully) able to see them..they have way to few dates here..should be more

Wilma Atencio

I’ll be there from the 13th-17th and going to both days. Super excited. Love Vegas. Finally using my timeshare again.


So excited to meet R46 and other Redeemers through the greatest group ever💜💜💜

Irina BM

Enjoy guys, we'll meet another time 💜💜💜


This is so exciting! I hope you guys have a great time!


Y’all blessed us. I’m so bummed out that I’m gonna be in Vegas for the 1st weekend. If I would have known I would have went to the 2nd one 😭😭😭 have fun y’all… thanks again for all the content


I know this experience is about to be one of my fav experiences in life


I know 😩… thank you for all the help you’ve been with this tho… you made are trip so much better


AYEEEE I’m glad y’all get to go, wish I could go though 😭😭, would love to meet you guys 💜, I’d never get permission to fly across the country by myself as I’m only 18 LOLLLL, but i’ma patiently wait for them to come to NYC, we’ll I hope y’all enjoy yourselves, and just so you guys know once you go to a BTS stadium concert all other concerts will seem kinda lame in comparison I swear they raise the bar so high with the live performances, I mean everything from the production and team behind them all the way to the talent themselves, they create literal art on stage, you guys will have a blast !! 💜


Lol if they come out NYC we’re definitely going again 💜


Either everyone is going off on Discord or my service at the office sucks. Nothing’s loading. Lol. Got my ear piece in and quickly going thru all the reactions. Will rewatch later when I get home to watch the whole videos to get the full reaction/commentary. P.S. I’m not able to go to the concerts but I’m super excited for all of you and can’t wait to follow the journey.

Jada Long

Will definitely come and meet you guys that weekend! 💜 My best friend and I are getting into Vegas from Miami later in the night on the 15th (around 9pm because it’s 6 hour flight lol) so we’ll most likely come and meet you guys the day of the April 16th show 😁

Kem Johnson

Looking forward to seeing you guys and other Redeemers out there. I'll be there from the 16th to the 17th. See you at the concert on the 16th hopefully!

Beth Christy

You all enjoy! Those of us not going will be living it through you. I can’t wait to hear all y’all’s thoughts when you get back.

Leslie Miller-Jackson

I hope you all have fun. I am going to the 8th concert and leave on the 10th.


its my pleasure, yall really deserve it more than anyone. Seeing you guys witness bts live for the first time is un real!! They are born to be on stage, cant wait to hear your thoughts!


Have fun guysss can't wait to hear and see your experience I know it's gonna be great stay safe 🙏😊💜


Congrats! Just to pre-empt that the PTD concert setup is pared down compared to previous concerts and probable upcoming new album tour, so may have to manage expectations. It's kinda a guerilla approach with the PTD concerts where they tried to insert concert dates as & when possible to better/quickly adjust to changing covid situations etc. So props & all are minimal to make it easy to transport & perform.


Thank you so much for all the content 🥺💜 I hope you guys have so much fun a have safe travels !


I’m going on the 8th. Enjoy the experience. I know we all will have a blast!

Mary Ann

Hope to see you there. Will be there on the 15th and 16th :)