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duckface upcoming?


I understand why people want the book to win. Really I do. One of the reasons I'm into this is for the fetish. But I'm also into this as a legit story and like 80% of what I consume in fetish media like this has some awful person pull something like this and win. I've seen very very few truly happy endings. Either it's a bad ending, bitter sweet, or too morally questionable to feel good about. And Kobi's story telling IS on the more positive side, and being more carefree and "cartoon comedy" about stuff that is a bit harder to make positive. Like his little bunny girl restaraunt~ Or the TFs Are Us guy barely putting up a fight even as he realizes what happened. It's ultimately his choice. Not ours guys. And saying that she's taking too long to change is just impatient AF. She's the final victim of course hers will be the slowest, each one has been slower then the last to work narratively last I checked. She's the only one who really figured out what happened so hers has to be slower regardless of who wins. I could see an argument for either side, but I personally believe that all things considered whilst the team didn't put up as much of a fight as they probably should they worked as hard as they could to finally learn the whole story even if only one of them learned the WHOLE story. So even if I didn't want to see a happy ending I'd say they've earned one narratively. But hey, there is always the option to just have multiple endings too. That's really not out of the question I wouldn't think, the story is this long why not have more content at the very end?

Magenta Gray

More fans want the girls to win. Which I’m not entirely against, and I can also see why they want that. Narratively, when we first learned about him, we assumed he was on a power trip to turn every guy and gal into his sex dolls without their consent because we thought he was a creep, so everyone rooted for the girls to win. I myself wanted Byland win because I love the “power fantasy”/“power perversion” element. Then we learned that the book is controlling Byland. So now people are rooting for either Bernice to win or Byland to snap out of it and set things right. But, you are right that it’s not our decision whether or not the girls win, Byland snaps out of it and set things right or the book wins. Because like you said, at the end of the day Kobi is writing this story and telling it, not us. I apologize if my reply comes off rude or passive aggressive. I wanted to show that I agree with you in the end 😅