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The look at this week's coming page. popping in a little look at Byland getting the book from a mysterious shop seller, It's a shop some of you have seen before heehee ^^




Ah I spy a certain bimbo mirror was there, interesting


Oh, it's the mirror from that one thing that it was in!


A magic shop, packed with bimbofication items. This will surely not come back to haunt us! :3


So it looks like the Bimbo Mirror and the Book are really connected in a way, but seriously, just how many Bimbofication related items does this antique shop really even own?


No telling, however if there was an actual item like the Bimbonomicon or the Bimbo mirror I would love to own something like that. :3


Well, knowing that The Bimbo Mirror’s powers aren’t as immense compared to The Book, that at least makes the mirror not that dangerous if it just gives you a busty and curvy appearance, however, knowing the Book, it probably wouldn’t be so surprising compared to Byland, where it would just use your body to turn others into Bimbos, or maybe if it would just turn you into a Bimbo yourself

Emmitt Cleveland

Nice to see that mirror pop up again. I wonder if the store will be familiar too in the final version.

Alexis Ortiz

Oh a Flashback AND a cameo on da same page... me like it 😊


I think that's supposed to be "antiques," not "antics." Those are soneyhing else entirely.


Oh, I get the plan. They give the book to get him out of there hair since he'll corrupted by the book or be turn into a bimbo


Well, seeing that The Book probably felt so pent up to the point of turning a whole city into Bimbos, maybe that book used Byland’s body to turn it’s original owner into a Bimbo after for how long it even restrained it from fulfilling it’s unending purpose


Thats a nice and familiar looking antique store, boss ;3