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Thank you so much everyone for giving me the chance to do a project like this. This whole comic was not funded directly by anyone it was a personal project that everyone one of you supporting me made possible to create. My only wish is that you enjoy what I have to bring next as this isn't the end but just the transition to my next project~

This is going to be made public for everyone to see on Monday~ So its public to see here also~




Thank YOU!


Appreciated! This was a fantastic comic and I can’t wait to read more of your work.


Digging all there new designs


This project was a pleasure to read and support. It's great to see you enjoyed working on it !

Cole jones

Excited to see what your next project is and I really enjoyed the comic I'm going to miss it.


Ah very nice. I like seeing Bernice in her classic outfit as well


I’m gonna miss these bimbos


At the very least, it sure is cute that Bernice at least wears colored earrings that match with her makeup, or how she still is able to wear her original outfit, as she’s at least thinking, “Hmhm~, Looks like it still fits like a glove~”, or something like that.


Hopefully there’s a chance to still see some, or any of them again in Sunniside


A marvelous epic of impeccable quality. Thanks for bestowing the world with such a beautiful tale. Here's hoping to one day having it be turned into the Bimbofication Audio Play of the century eh? 😜

(R)Owen(a) Hero

wonderful, but there is a distinct lack of boobs in this picture of 6 bimbofied bodies