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Now that Chapter to is complete here is all the pages togethor in one post for ease of access and reading~ I hope you enjoyed!

The download pages enede up a little out of order while uploading but they are numbered ^^




My favorite moments from this were definitely Bernice getting the surprise Makeup and the BE she and Candy got (Bernice is my favorite), and Caesar's bimbo look might be my favorite bimbo look so far so I really hope we see more of her.

Rökkr Ragnarok

Awesome story so far~ and the art is on point as always ^.^ Makes me wanna see one of the investigators write something in for Byland though… turn him into the very thing he makes everyone else into Oh stars maybe something adorably pathetic~ cute little sister type Bimbo maybe? Looks up to all the others begging them to teach her how to be as good as them~ a little on the smaller side and always says she has room to grow~ hah!~ Ah well, I just know you’ll take the story in an interesting direction as always~