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Heres the special night with bernice and Byland I didn't want to drag it out very long but I wanted to have a little something for you~  Thank you for all the support on the comic~




Holy cannoli


She so hot


I thinking the book is at played


Wow her chest was that big even back then? Though if that first comment is to be believed it'd be insane to know that even Byland was being manipulated by the book. But Byland and Bernice going that far explains and justifies his behavior far better then the initial assumption. That being "she turned him down quickly and they parted ways". After all sex can mean a lot to people, it can be a very emotionally bonding experience for some and to be scorned regardless of reason after sharing such an experience. Being connected as one. That can definitely hit people hard. Also I love that we get this moment and frankly wouldn't have minded if it spanned two pages so we could soak in the intimacy more. This moment of romance and connection is kind of refreshing after so many bimbos xP Not that the bimbos were a bad thing, but it never hurts to have something break up the flow.

Daniel Barrett

Good luck putting that on DeviantArt