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Hi everyone!! 

Exciting news- my podcast episode is finally out! I talk about my journey to audio erotica, my various health struggles, what goes into making an audio, and more! 

You can listen wherever you listen to podcasts or at this link:


p.s. the first exclusive will be out tomorrow! 💜

xx elle



Daniel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 06:08:08 Fascinating interview. So cool to hear behind the curtain. Thank you for sharing that with us. (Never mind that i feel a little called out for being in the "what is discord" group.) You rock, Elle. So glad you're able to stay cared for, upright, fed, and in grad school, so by the power of Gluck.
2023-07-11 00:02:01 Fascinating interview. So cool to hear behind the curtain. Thank you for sharing that with us. (Never mind that i feel a little called out for being in the "what is discord" group.) You rock, Elle. So glad you're able to stay cared for, upright, fed, and in grad school, all by the power of Gluck.

Fascinating interview. So cool to hear behind the curtain. Thank you for sharing that with us. (Never mind that i feel a little called out for being in the "what is discord" group.) You rock, Elle. So glad you're able to stay cared for, upright, fed, and in grad school, all by the power of Gluck.


P.s. i literally laughed out loud with the "blow the job" line.

flarewolf 4962

Hey Elle. I would just like to say love you. And I’m so sorry to hear about your things you’re going through. I’ve only been around for a few months so I never knew about any of these things untill when I listened to the podcast. I’m so glad I was able to help you with my support. I didn’t know it effected you that much. Also when you started to talking about your demographic I started to laugh becuase I fit in that early 20 and not much experienced and I died of laughter. I’m glad you’re doing better now though and I hope things only get better. Sending hugs


OK, a month later and my wife and I continue to makes jokes referencing "there is only one way to blow the job." You're now officially part of our vocabulary.