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We dive into the first mission as the contestants prepare the show's theme song in just a few days. While some seem to do really well, many struggle to get the lyrics and choreo down in such a short period of time. But that doesn't matter when it's time to reevaluate everyone and give them new rankings that determine who will and won't participate in the final performance of the theme song. However, we had no idea this episode was so long, almost 3 hours, so we had to cut it right before all the A-ranking contestants prepared solo performances to earn the vote of center place. We'll pick this one back up next time and will already have to split episode 4 somehow, considering that one is almost 4 hours.


idol producer 3.1 final


Tricia R(Block_Exo)

Awesome reaction! This is one of my favorite episodes besides the auditions and later on the mentor-trainee collaboration stages. 😊 Sadly though, this episode is where you see probably the most 'evil'-ish editing in the whole show, because Li Junyi (one of the blue shirt B's that went to pink shirt A) had supposedly said something offensive or at least something that made Lay decide not to even take him to Happy Camp (the variety show appearance that was the reward for A's and B's). So besides Lay not bringing him along to the appearance, he was also barely shown in this episode even though he is a really good singer and also rose the A rank. 😅I remember this being a whole drama when it happened, but I can't find the old tweets or posts now that he's moved on with his career since Idol Producer, so he's not a bad guy or anything but there was some drama. And he is barely shown throughout the rest of the series too. ALSO, back in episode 1 and 2 the contestant who sat in the #1 seat, he was called Shuijiao. He was forced to leave the program in December before it even began airing, after footage surfaced on the internet of him making misogynous comments. He was also blurred down at the bottom in this episode since I think he was kicked out after this episode, he was also completely edited out of Ep1 &2 except for group shots where they also blurred him...