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Rim just keeps impressing us with his ability to lead, take charge, AND listen to other opinions and ideas. But that ending!! Things just keep picking up and giving us plenty of food for our drama llamas. We can't wait to see what happens next!! 




This episode was so good! Love how we see Rim step up, and do so completely selflessly. He's winning the historians' respect, and we love to see King Not-Daddy get furious. Love how y'all were diving into his psychology to explain why he is so evil, but I agree that he's simply not redeemable. And now, I'm ready for some romance to come in for Haeryung and RIm!

Lani S

You missed the scene where Haeryung’s brother’s servant/guard was reporting to him that he had done what he had ordered and brought “her” to Hanyang and that “she” is safe for now. They’re talking about Mohwa. Remember the brother was forced to go along with the the 2nd councilor to avoid suspicion because of their past relationship and told him that Mohwa was spotted at Pyonyang. That’s why the councilor sent the assassins there. But the brother had planned to rescue her all along despite giving her location away. As for the other historian with the rich father, the crown prince did not order the goods to be taken from their warehouse. The daughter gave orders to the servants to donate the herbs without the father’s knowledge. The crown prince knew that she was the one who ordered it and not the father, but played along by thanking the father for his generosity. But he was suspicious of her motive, thinking it was self serving, to save her father, and not really to help the people.

Khaira Swanwing

Prince Dowon is going way outside his 'pay grade' of what they sent him to do. He was only supposed to do the rites and rituals to appease the population (and non-daddy king was hoping he would get sick and potentially die.) He got b*itch slapped by NDK because he ignored the ceases innoculation order and continued on with it. NDK is a piece of fecal matter and even with known reasons for behavior he chose all the wrong paths. They didn't necessarily do divorces unless the parents agreed and so on-big mess. However in the royals, in most countries, if the Crown Princess did not give birth to an heir quickly, it was grounds for a divorce, move to consort position or more attention to concubines. Her family losing political power and prestige and she is considered worthless. In one of the early backstory episodes, the relationship of Officer Min to the Second Chancelor was revealed but it is hard to connect faces and names at the start unless you are taking notes and really studying faces. Officer Min is his oldest (might be only-don't remember) son. Master Yes-the questionable female historians dad is in cahoots (and generally a price gouging douche) with Second Chancelor. She was originally reporting to the Second Chancelor because of the relationship between her father and him. The Crown Prince yelled at that female historian when she started reading from her record because they are not supposed to ever know what is written down. If they know, then they can threaten or influence the historians. She was crossing a line while trying to prove he was wrong in his assumption of her. She also told the CP in another episode we saw that she became a historian because all that her father owns will go to her cousin?...step-brother? when her father dies and not her even tho she is in the house and is clearly smart. She is female so she gets nada. She wants something that is hers. In the US we do have seizure laws in emergency situations for supplies. They haven't been inacted and that was a big issue during the beginngs of the pandemic. Example: Company A uses latex in the production of a product they normally sell. Company B makes sterile gloves for hospitals and health care workers. There is now a very short supply of these gloves and high demand. If this law is inacted, the President and make Company A send it's latex to Company B to manufacture the desperately needed gloves. Company A will be compensated for the material but it is usually at whole sale price of the latex, not retail.


am i the only one experiencing the sound on the drama a few seconds behind the video? M&F sound/video are fine.


Or we might not be able to fix. Not sure we have the original audio now. Shoot, sorry!! We'll try to find it though.

Lani S

I had the same problem but I think Free fiddled with it and the audio eventually synced up with the video. I don’t know if she was aware and actually fixing it, but sometimes waking up the screen like moving your mouse could fix the issue


oh thank you! i didnt check later in the video. if i only have to deal with it for a few minutes then it's no biggie.

Lani S

Unfortunately, it’s not a few minutes. It’s around 24:15 mark when Haeryung was trying to convince Rim to read the book about variolation using cowpox. You’ll see Free moves the mouse to the playback control.