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Attorney Woo's best friend needs some legal help, and despite turning in her resignation letter, she decides to help. Not everyone at the office is happy about her return but we can see one person who definitely is. On top of that, it looks like our smart girl has learned a few extra tricks and the art of clapping back.




AHHHHHH! This show is so good, so wholesome, and eye opening! I'm happy you guys have started this! Hands down one of the best friendship duos in the kdrama history. Hopefully everyone can find their geu-rami too! *also wanted to ask if you're watching this on netflix? cause i think the subs you're using are the english[cc] ones rather than the just english ones. Generally the english cc subs are incorrect cause they are just being typed from the english dub version of the shows which are a lot of the time incorrectly translated*