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Ajin is fully demon mode and has no issues chasing after Fa as she runs for her life. Sadly, he also has access to all of Ajin's tools, like his bees. But our girl is a smart and with a little help, she might actually have a plan...hopefully. 




Hey guys, I really like your reactions so far! I just wanted to let you know that the ring Ajin wears allows him to do telekinesis. I don't remember if it's been explicitly told, but it's been shown a couple of times prior. So when everything was moving around Fa, it was Ajin's powers, not the demon's. This makes the trust that Ajin has for Fa more apparent for me. Ajin could've let the demon get into Namsine, but he didn't cause that would've killed her since she was so weak at that point. Instead, he took it in himself, knowing that it could access his knowledge and powers, and still had faith that Fa could potentially defeat it by herself. Love that for them.