😇Mercy (Patreon)
2020-02-21 20:38:44
2020-02-21 20:45:19
Download 720p - MEGA
Not dead yet but might just be in a couple of days, really sick at the moment. So what happened here is that a big storm knocked down a lot of shit including the powerlines, so I had a a complete blackout for like 2 weeks and just a few days ago got my electricity back but still no internet connection.. Which is quite bonk tbh and it really really sucks, supposedly they're going to fix it this weekend, but that's what they said 2 weeks ago as well, but all I can do it hope for the best. I have however managed to finish this project and almost finished that Dva sub as well, so that's good news. Currently uploading from my friend's internet as I'm still without.. r.i.p.