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Look what I found today! 

It seems cum is truly a "guilt free" pleasure. Fat free and only 60 calories per CUP! It's no wonder I gobble it up! 

Frankly, I would be happier to see it at 69 calories per cup, but that's just me.😜😈 


Here are 10 Facts About Cum That You Can Share With Your Woman If She's Not Already A CUM Loving Swallower Like Me.... (Although based on this list I need MORE!!) 

Your man, or any man, for that matter, is rich — in vitamins. Creamy  male goodness contains everything you need. With enough cum in your  daily diet there is no need for supplements, pills, or juicing to meet  all your daily vitamin intake requirements.

Yes, you read that correctly, sluts — not only is cum delicious, but  it is also healthy for you as well! Who would have ever suspected?

Previously, the alleged benefits of cum were that they were are  activated when a man dropped his load into a woman’s vagina. However,  newer research suggests that the same benefits may be available if the  cum is swallowed. Some theories even suggest that cum deposited anally  will offer the same benefits (good news me and for all the other anal sluts out there). The existence of “butt plugs” suggest that some may want to keep  the cum inside to make sure they get the full benefits of cum’s many  nutritious, miraculous properties - Good thing I have some new ones to try out ;) 

1. Cum is a natural anti-depressant: Studies have shown that cum  elevates your mood and even reduces suicidal thoughts (YES, really).  Ever notice that a cum slut seems naturally happy and perky as long she  she is getting her daily fix? That’s why.

2. Cum reduces anxiety: It boasts anti-anxiety hormones like  oxytocin, serotonin, and progesterone. Why bother popping xanax, ativan,  or any of other other man made chemicals when you get the same effect  with no side effects and far more fun?

3. It improves the quality of your sleep: Cum contains melatonin, a  sleep-inducing agent. A load a day and you will sleep like a baby.

4.  Cum increases energy giving you that much needed extra boost to  go about your day to day activities. Take a few loads and marvel at how  boundless your energy becomes. In no time you will be getting more done  that you ever imagined possible.

5. Cum improves cardio health and prevents preeclampsia, which causes  dangerously high blood pressure during pregnancy. Cum is not just good  for you but for the baby too (for all the preggo sluts).

6. Cum even improves memory. With enough cum you will be amazed how soon you will have perfect total recall.

7. Improves mental alertness. Contrary to popular belief cum does not  make you dumb. It actually boosts your brain’s processing power and  responsiveness - This I knew already, because I'm a damn smart slut ;) 

8. Cum prevents morning sickness. If you don’t want to spend every  morning puking your brains out than make sure you have a dick to suck,  or two. You can never be too careful.

9. Cum slows down the aging process of your skin and muscles: It  contains a healthy portion of zinc, which is an antioxidant. A veritable  fountain of youth. - Bring on the facials! -I actually have an audio idea for this one. ;) 

10. Cum reduces pains and aches. It is an all natural painkiller  providing all the benefits and none of the harmful side effects of so  many toxic, addictive pharmaceuticals.

Impressed? You should be! Nature is full of wonders, and cum is one  of them! Some of the helpful chemicals in cum include testosterone,  estrogen, prolactin, opiod peptides, oxytocin, serotonin, melatonin, and  norepineprine. All of which can add to the overall quality of life for  someone getting enough cum in their daily diet.

Just think, you can get a dose of all that without having to go to  the vitamin store. Upon learning this you might be shocked, unable to  comprehend everything you have just read, but it is all true. Cum is  miraculous, and it has been around for centuries.  What is this telling  you?  

Share that cum gentlemen... we ladies need all we can get!! 💋😜🤣



I'll second that (and thirds, and fourths. . . ) Nothing sexier than a woman who enjoys her cocks and cum. Bon appetit Lacey!


Reads like a paper written for Slut School. Can you write one on the benefits of getting fucked in the ass?


The great thing is... I get to have my dessert first and LOTS of it... with loads and loads of cream ;)


lacey, you are such a treat. :-)


Decadent on the tongue and leaves you craving more... that kind of treat? LOL ;)


😗 You are a real treat Lacey!