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I truly had no idea until I saw a post about it this morning. 

What are the odds of me releasing the latest Swim Coach Audio - in which the coach goes skinny dipping - on the same day as "International Skinny Dip Day"?! 

It was too much of a naughty  coincidence not to share that with you all today. 

Here's the link where I found out about "International Skinny Dip Day"  and where some people share stories of their own skinny dipping adventures in case you are curious. 

I haven't skinny dipped much unless you count the adventure in my AMA. But feel free to share your own skinny dipping stories in the comments if you have any. 



Lots of skinny dipping in my past! What else was summer camp for? 😈😜 Counselor or a camper 👍🏻


Why am I not surprised at all Ski? Damn yet another reason I wish I'd gone to camp. LOL 🤣😂