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As mentioned in my monthly update, I'll be performing a live chat and quickie event this month so be sure to save the date.

Live Event - Chat & Quickie Audio Details

  • Friday November 17th - 4:30-5pm EST and 9:30-10pm EST
  • In the General Voice Chat Channel.


  • You don't need to stay for the whole session, so feel free to pop in for as much or as little as you like.
  • You need to have either: the 18+,  Patreon or SubscribeStar roles on your Discord profile to join in live events. You can click on your avatar in Discord to verify this.
  • I will record (my voice portion only) of the quickie audio from each session and share the best version with subscribers

Feel free to message me if you have any questions about these sessions or Discord before hand.

See you there!

~Lacey 😊


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