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Okey dokey loki! October 1st is upon us and brings the dawn of Month of Macabre 2016! It also brings rewards for patrons who supported me in September. ^_^

In the next few days Patreon will be sending out emails to people to confirm their payments have gone through. In months past there were quite a few declined payments that were the honest result of mistakes or genuine problems with Paypal or other things, so I would ask that you check if you haven't received one of those emails by Monday.

For those who have received one already, please either send me a message of which reward from your tier you would like to claim, via a PM here on Patreon or via my Skype (electric_hairdo) since the PM system isn't always the most reliable. If you're contacting me for the first time that way, please say you're from Patreon in your contact request and which tier you are. I will endeavour to make sure everyone gets their rewards as promptly as possible once they've made their request. ^_^

As an addendum, if you would like to claim a story written by me, I will write MLP or a creepypasta based on an idea of your choice. If you'd like something else send me a message and we'll see what we can work out. 

Have a spooktacular start to Month of Macabre everyone!

~ Scribbler



Poly Dios

Well. Haha That was financially crippling. Learned my lesson though, didn't I? Hehehe.