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Hello my darlings.

I love that you follow me on here to keep tabs on my shenanigans! It makes me feel good when I see your names added to the list. I wanted to extend a bit of a discount this season for a New Year's party!

If you sign up for a month, 25% off...but if you really wanna make me smile (because it feels good when people stick around with me), you can sign up for a year and get the 25% discount for the whole year!

This promotion will be running until Jan 19, 2025. I didn't want to make it just for these next couple weeks because I know with holidays sometimes funds have other purposes right now, so you have some time to think about it (and I hope you do). That being said...I think you should treat yourself 😏🔥

Even if you don't sign up for a paid tier, I'm still happy you are here. I hope you have such a good holiday season (whatever you celebrate).

Much love, my sweets!

-Smutty 💕🥰 



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