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Hello darlings!

Happy Monday! Hope you're doing well, and that you've had a decent weekend. I was so excited to have some warmer weather on Saturday so I got to go out and hang out with some friends and let the sun touch my body, which felt really nice. I think it's going to be a bit warmer today so I will be sure to step out with the pup and have a nice walk.

Listen to me ramble about my YouTube woes (they are small, no worries). And I hope you and I have such a good week! Tell me about your April 1st situations and pranks! Hopefully nothing too crazy! 

Much love!

-Smutty 💖



Dixon Cider

Good morning, mistress!


Well for the April 1st pranks, my friend's gf roommate (yes a lot of people) prank the gf with showing a pregrancy test being positive and forced the gf into an hour long convo of what to do next till she revealed it was a prank :/ very funny and luckily it didn't happen to me lol


Oh damn, the youtube demonetization sucks. I hope that gets resolved quickly. No april fools pranks from me this year, but I prank people all the time anyways 🤣 I hope this month will bring lots of good things for you! 🥰 Have a wonderful week.


Me too thank you! Glad there wasn't anything too crazy on your fools day! Lol...you have a wonderful week too lovey! 🥰


Oi vey...I hate the pregnancy prank so much. I think it's literally the worst one. I'm glad it went as intended though! And I'm glad it wasn't happening to you 🤭


I'm also glad, it would not be a fun thing to experience while in college !