Good morning! Good Friday! TGIF April 7, 2023 - Yawning level: Difficult! (Patreon)
Hello Darlings!
Hope you're doing well this Good Friday! I'm so sleepy, and I yawn during this entire audio, and then I yawned so hard after I finished recording I swear I was like a boa constrictor. If you get through this and don't yawn, kudos to you!
I have some fun things to work on today, and I hope to get through a few commissions I'm behind on. Next week is going to be kind of busy for me (right before my birthday 🥳). I also am planning on going and seeing that new D&D movie tomorrow night, and hanging out with people on Sunday. You have any good plans for the weekend? Let me know!
Have a great Friday!
Smutty 💖