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Thanks Amber for sponsoring S3!

S4 will be coming soon :)


Clay W

I'm excited for season four! Be sure not to watch the intro during the first episode, it gives away big spoilers.


I was so ready for Season 3 to be over - I hope Season 4 isn't too far off. It's awsome.


I second this! The spoilers (and there's several) are so big it still baffles me that they didn't use a specially edited version for the first episode. Thankfully, they do alter intros later on in the show.

Terry Peterson

The reasons for the haircut montage at the end: it emphasizes that he actually is in jail, yet his son was poisoned. He's in jail, yet the safe house of his star witness is blown up as soon as she enters it. It appears his reach is not hampered by him being in jail.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, s3 finale was like we're gonna give you all the cliffhangers 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭