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no spoilers in comments pls :)


Susku Ö

I love this show! You love or hate a character, sometimes it switches from hate to love and then back. And most of the time you just love and hate them all at the same 😂


I am so happy you dig Bellamy Young as Mellie. She was hired as a 3 episode guest for S1 like 'yeah president has a wife, we should probably cast her' and she came and really just grabbed this role, and of course for S2 she is full cast member and made me just adore Mellie (I stan my girl's rights and wrongs any day). For this episode, any day Mellie and Liv team up to fuck with Fitz is a good day in my book. They are grown ass women who both deserve better and he is a whiney man-child. Also I am so stealing 'Board of Fuckery' 😂 That's perfect!

Amanda Winner

trust me, you aren't the only one who didn't feel 0 chemistry with Edison