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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Brothers Jones- Yay!!! Thank you very much for your reaction to another of my very favorite episodes within this Underworld arc, Travis! I absolutely love this episode!!! As you would imagine, I love The Brothers Jones, because this episode is of course, Killian centric. You know how much I love this gorgeous man!! :) And yet... I love this episode for many reasons beyond as well!! :) First... I absolutely love that this episode focuses on Killian's early past, back when he and his brother, Liam, had both been forced to work as slaves because their father had sold them into servitude when Killian was sadly just a boy. Back in season two's finale... And Straight on 'Til Morning, we learn from Hook that his father had abandoned him. And then in this season's episode... Swan Song, we learn a lot more behind just how his father really abandoned him. That he had forced them into slavery under the command of ruthless pirates, simply so he could try to escape the lawmen chasing after him. And ever since we learned this about Killian in Swan Song, of course I wanted to see more. And wow... Is Killian's past ever so tragic. I feel so badly for him. Second... I love that not only do we learn more about Killian's dark and tragic past, but we also get to see his brother Liam again. And we get to learn so much more about him as well. We haven't seen Liam since season three's episode... Good Form. And while I was never really a big fan of Liam as a character back in this previous episode, I absolutely always wanted to see more of Killian's relationship with his brother. And this episode shows us there's so much more to Liam Jones than we really saw before. And I absolutely love this episode for all of this!!! :) Now... I don't like how self-righteous and pompous Liam acts all throughout this episode. Because I hate how much he hurts Killian by being so, as he's done his whole life. Even though he never meant to hurt him such as he has. And yet I do understand his actions, and I really love his character from a storytelling point of view. Especially when he's around Killian, because of how Liam's self-righteousness and high and mighty attitude causes Killian to think so very little about himself, which is the last thing he needs. Especially given how Killian already thinks so little about himself. It's really tragic, and Liam most certainly makes Killian feel even worse about himself. Less worthy of being saved, in spite of Emma's efforts to assure him that he doesn't deserve the pain and torment Hades and the Underworld has inflicted upon him. I feel so badly for Killian all throughout this episode. And yet in spite of me hating Liam for hurting Killian such as he does, I really love his storylines throughout this episode, and I love all of the fabulous twists and turns throughout this episode. All of which, I will talk about shortly... In regards to the smaller storyline involving Henry throughout this episode... I really enjoy it for the most part. I really enjoy the opening scene between Henry and Cruella, even though I think it's really foolish of Henry to go off with this villainess on his own. Even if she can't actually do anything to hurt him, thanks to Isaac, the previous Author before Henry, making it so she can't. I just love seeing Cruella like always, and I love her snarkiness!! :) I also really enjoy the brief scene between Henry and the Apprentice, who is also sadly trapped into the Underworld due to Henry being his unfinished business. And even though it's sad that he's here too, I love that his unfinished business involves Henry, and that his only chance of moving on, involves Henry needing to make the right choice with the quill once he finds it again. And I love how Henry talks about having to watch Killian die and how he and his loved ones are all here to save him, yet complains that he is unable to bring his father and Cruella back. I love how the Apprentice explains how the quill now works upon it being here within the Underworld, and how he explains himself further, having failed to help him understand better before his death. As for Henry's storyline throughout the rest of this episode... While I understand his frustrations, I kind of hate his emo mood and cold attitude towards his family whenever they try to get him to do as they ask of him so that he will remain safe. I understand why Henry feels left out and frustrated with everyone for treating him as they do. But his attitude towards them all is also a bit annoying to me too. Nonetheless... I am grateful that David's talk with him in the end finally helps Henry to understand that he can't keep running away from those who only want to keep him safe. I love that it allows for him to finally be able to open up to his family, and to get the idea to write out Hades' story the more they learn about him, in the hope that they will soon be able to find a weakness that can help the heroes to defeat Hades. I love the talk between Henry and David upstairs, just like I have always loved all of the scenes and moments between them. Much like all of the scenes between David and Henry throughout the first half of season two. It's very sweet. And David really helps Henry so much. I love it! As for the other smaller storyline throughout this episode... As cringy as their scenes together are for the most part, I love all of the scenes and moments between David and Cruella after he and Snow break into the Sheriff's office to order to find the key in James' desk drawer to the Sorcerer's mansion. Because these scenes between them are absolutely hilarious!! Cruella is fantastic in these scenes! It's so hard to watch the moments when David is forced to allow Cruella to kiss him so that she will continue to believe he's actually his twin brother, James... Not knowing that she knows all along that he is really David. It's just so funny how she makes him believe he's fooled her. But more so... I love David's conversation with Cruella regarding James and his brother's hatred towards him. And while it makes sense that James would feel jealous towards David because their mother chose to keep David and not him, I get the sense that there is more to his hatred towards David. I certainly look forward to the long awaited confrontation between David and James. And now for this episode's centric storyline between the Brothers Jones, as well as between Killian and Emma... I absolutely love the beginning scene between Killian and Emma!!!! And I truly appreciate that their first moments alone together show Killian struggling very deeply with his guilt from allowing the Darkness to corrupt him so quickly and fully, as well as his struggles from Emma's betrayal too. And as much as I always love the kisses they share, I really appreciate that Killian rejects to Emma kissing him in the beginning, and then finally opens up to her. Killian doesn't deserve to feel so much guilt and pain from his actions, and he certainly doesn't deserve to have all of the blame between them placed on his shoulders. I'm happy that Emma tries to assure him that she was as much in the wrong for her part in them both suffering from the weight of the Darkness. This moment is very sad, but also very needed for them to be able to move past all of this. Oh... And I also very much love how Killian attempts to be cute as he teases Emma about how Hades has knocked the handsome out of him thanks to all of the pain and torture Hades has inflicted upon him, to which Emma responds that no one is that powerful. I love their relationship so much! :) Unfortunately, their talk is cut short when Liam comes over, having heard rumors that his brother has finally arrived in the Underworld. I really wish that this moment of their reunion is a little longer so we could have seen the brothers embrace, or at least talk a little more. And I would have loved to see and hear Killian's conversation with Liam regarding how he came to be in the Underworld, and why he feels so guilty. Sadly, this is an offscreen conversation between them. And instead... This reunion is cut short, and the next scenes shows that Killian, Liam, and Emma have already talked for some time as Killian and Emma have explained to Liam how Killian has been Hades' prisoner and tortured by the God until Emma saved him. I really enjoy their conversation regarding how there must be a Underworld version of the storybook down here in the Underworld as well, that might possibly help give them information about Hades and how to defeat him. And unfortunately, we see even more of Killian's adoration towards his brother, who can do no wrong in his eyes. In spite of Liam's self-righteous attitude. And then... There is a moment shared between Emma and Liam, as Liam coldly and cruelly tries to convince Emma that she's unworthy of his brother, because he is angry with her for taking away his brother's sacrifice from him as well, and for her trying to convince Killian he should return home with her, instead of convincing him to try to move on. And wow... In this moment and throughout most of the rest of this episode, I really come to be very angry with Liam. Almost to the point of hating him. I do hate him for making Killian feel so badly towards himself while he pretends to be so perfect. Especially upon learning throughout this episode that he is the furthest thing from perfect. Liam has no right to judge what's happening between Killian and Emma, because he knows or understands nothing about what's happening between them. I really love Liam's story throughout this episode, even though it does make me hate him for how his high and mighty attitude and self-righteousness causes Killian to hate himself all the more than he already feels. I love that we learn why Liam is still trapped here in the Underworld, even after two hundred years. Since Liam died just before Killian even became a pirate, given that his death is why Killian first becomes a pirate. Because Liam had made a very dark and cruel deal with Hades, which allowed for him and Killian to become free men after years and years in slavery, and allowed for them to become Naval officers within the Royal Navy just as Liam has always wanted for himself and for Killian too. In spite of Killian feeling less than worthy of joining the Royal Navy. Then... I absolutely love the scene between Liam and Hades, when Hades comes to Liam to make the deal with him. I love that we learn within this episode that Hades doesn't solely remain here within the Underworld. I love that we learn that he can leave and makes deals with people in our world, yet that his magic is also much weaker outside of his own realm. It is sad and horrible that Liam agrees to allow all of the crew they're sailing with to die in the storm they are all sailing into in the search for a large sapphire, known to all sailors as the Eye of the Storm, in exchange for his and his brother's lives and freedom from slavery, as well as for the sapphire itself so that Liam can use it to trade for commissions for him and Killian within the Royal Navy. I love Hades' snarkiness and smugness. He's just a fabulously fun character! And while Captain Silver is a vile human being worth hating, and who may or may not deserve his fate within both the backstory as well as within the present day storyline, the rest of crewmen were most certainly innocent, and they didn't deserve their fate Hades assured for them upon Liam agreeing to his deal. Speaking of Captain Silver... Yes, I hate him just as we are meant to hate his character within this show. Silver is vile and despicable, and I hate him for how he treats Killian. Especially back when Killian had been his slave and had tricked into gambling away what very little money he's earned upon drinking himself into a stupor, all so he can try to dull his pain from being forced to be a slave. I really love the involvement of his character within the backstory being told. I love seeing what Silver's character adds to Killian's storylines throughout this episode. Next... I really enjoy the scene within the Underworld's version of the Rabbit Hole where Liam is the head bartender, between Liam and Hades, who appears to talk Liam into getting rid of or destroying the pages that the heroes are seeking out throughout this episode. The storybook pages that are about Hades, which might share the secret to defeating him. And sadly... Liam agrees to help Hades, once Hades threatens to tell Killian the truth about the far worse deal they made many years earlier, which resulted in the deaths of Silver and his entire crew except for Liam and Killian. Knowing that the truth of his greatest sin would hurt Killian very deeply. I love Hades' attitude and pluckiness. Next... One of my favorite moments, is when Emma and Regina talk with one another inside Underbrooke's version of Granny's Diner. I love how Regina senses Emma's uneasiness towards Liam, and then how she helps Emma to understand that the reason why Killian is feeling so adamant about thinking he doesn't deserve to be saved, is because he hasn't been able to forgive himself for all the pain he's caused Emma and all those he loves. Just as Killian has always struggled to forgive himself for all of his dark deeds over the years, especially ever since he had first become a pirate and villain. And Regina is absolutely right. I love how Regina defends Killian and can understand how he's feeling, then how she encourages Emma to help him by helping him to find it within himself to forgive himself. And finally... We come to another of my favorite scenes within this episode, as Emma comes to Liam to confront him about the secret, she knows he is hiding from his brother. The secret she knows involves Liam ripping out the pages with Hades' story in them so they can't succeed in their plan. Sadly, Killian soon joins them outside at the well and overhears them arguing, then Emma tries to convince Killian that Liam's ripped out and stolen the pages from the storybook. Of course, Liam denies that he's done anything wrong, and Killian believes him. However, I believe that while Killian absolutely admires his brother and thinks he can do no wrong, I feel like Killian would have believed Emma even over his brother, if he wasn't feeling so vulnerable and weak because of his self-hatred. His hatred towards himself is most certainly obstructing his judgement. And it is so tragic seeing just how broken Killian is, as Killian defends his brother, then expresses his belief that he isn't worthy of being saved and that he shouldn't return home with Emma because he doesn't believe he's worthy to. And yet... Emma doesn't give up in trying to convince him that he's wrong. Except she tells Killian that he also must come to see this for himself if he has any hope of truly believing he deserves so much more than he believes. And I love her for taking Regina's advice to help him come to see his worthiness for himself. Sadly, once Emma walks away, leaving Killian alone with Liam, it is then that Killian soon learns that Emma is right about Liam lying to him upon discovering the ink from the pages staining his hands. Killian becomes hurt and angry at his brother for lying to him. Only, before they can really discuss things, Silver and their crewmen unfortunately interrupt, as they all appear and abduct the brothers so they can make them pay for their roles in their deaths. Killian too, even though Killian is completely innocent because he never knew about Liam's deal with Hades. Another of my favorite scenes... I absolutely love the scene of the brothers being forced to the edge of the fiery cliff by Silver and his men, and I love how Liam tries to defend his brother, while Killian is still angry with Liam. Even more so upon learning the truth about the deal he made with Hades, that caused Silver's and the crewmen's deaths. As tragic as it is, I love how Killian comes to see that Liam isn't so perfect, and that because of Liam's self-righteousness, Killian couldn't help but fail to live up to his brother. And then... Hades appears again before the Brothers Jones. The God blows Silver into the fires leading to the Worse Place, then confronts the brothers, saying that Liam deserves to be awarded for fulfilling his end of their second deal, while he then tells Killian he is about to be punished again for escaping from his prison. Finally... Liam defends Killian all the more, as Liam moves to stand in front of his brother in order to protect him from Hades, Unfortunately, Liam pays the price for doing so, as Hades also blows Liam over his brother and into the fiery pit, only Killian immediately reaches out to grab hold of his brother to try to save him from falling down to the Worse Place. And Killian is absolutely broken, as tears are streaming down his face while he is begging Liam to hold onto him. Before he falls, Liam finally apologizes to Killian for hurting him and for making him feel so worthless, then asks his brother if he can forgive him for his mistakes, to which Killian beautifully answers that he can, but that Liam must also forgive himself. A lesson I believe Killian comes to understand about himself in this moment as well. Sadly, Killian is unable to hold his brother any longer, and Liam falls into the fires as Killian cries out his brother's name in fear and despair in the belief that Liam has been lost to the Worse Place. However, a white light then suddenly appears that immediately shakes Hades, who then vanishes in his blue flames as if he had just gotten severely burned. Liam soon appears again behind Killian as he stands in the middle of rowboat now floating within the waters that appear, leading off another version of the Jewel of the Realm... The Jolly Roger before Killian takes it over and renames the ship upon Liam's death. Killian turns to face him, surprised to see that his brother is okay and that he is now free to move on at last upon Liam's willingness to sacrifice himself for Killian. I too absolutely love, love, love that all those who move on to the Better Place, all come to live their eternities in a world of their dreams, Travis!! It makes total sense. Is it too simple for Liam to have been saved just because he finally apologizes to Killian for making him feel so weak compared to him? Yes... To some degree. However, I can let this slide. Because while Liam may not have deserved to move on to the Better Place after this one act alone, he does give Killian the peace he so desperately needs, and he helps Killian to be more at peace with himself. And Liam does finally admit his wrongdoings to Killian at last. His confession may have been forced upon Silver and their old crew showing up, but the point is that Liam admitted the truth at last. And yet before Liam moves on, Killian also helps the remaining crewmen still standing by observing the scene playing out before them, by assuring them that they should now be free to move on as well, upon learning the truth behind their deaths for themselves. Killian and Liam then finally share their goodbyes, a chance they never had back when Liam had died in his arms from the dreamshade poisoning so many years ago. What an absolutely beautiful scene, and final moments between brothers. I especially love the moment Liam tells Killian that he has become a true hero in a way that he never could. And he's absolutely right. Because Killian has absolutely become a true hero, far more so than Liam ever was, given that Liam had become a Naval officer under false pretenses and false heroics. I love, love, love everything about this whole scene between Killian, Liam, the crewmen, Silver, and Hades too! Killian then returns to the Sorcerer's mansion where Emma is worrying over his disappearance, as well as Henry's too. And I absolutely love this moment between Killian and Emma, as Killian expresses his desire to forgive himself and to return home with Emma at last, after he shares with her everything that happened with him, Liam, and the crewmen. And I love, love, love seeing Killian and Emma share a deep and beautiful kiss again at last. So beautiful!!! Another of my favorite moments in this episode for sure!! As for the rest of the backstory... Just like I mentioned above, I absolutely love seeing and learning so much more about Killian's and Liam's lives back when they had been forced to be slaves under Silver's command. As tragic and heartbreaking as it is to see Killian so broken upon being a slave, I hate seeing Killian being treated so cruelly by Silver and his men. And I hate hearing Killian sadly compare himself to his father, who is a monster for selling his children into slavery simply to save his own life. And yet I absolutely love seeing how far he falls back then to the point where he must drink so much in order to help himself cope with the pain. And while Liam continues to act high and mighty, in spite of his efforts to try to protect Killian from himself, I appreciate seeing him stand by Killian and fight to stay with him, even though he must sacrifice his one chance to join the Royal Navy justly after Killian sadly gambles away all of his money upon falling into another of his drunken stupors and upon being tricked into gambling with Silver's men while Liam is away for the night. Fun note... If you remember back to season two’s episode, titled… Queen of Hearts, in the opening scene, we see Hook wearing a large cloak to hide himself, as he’s sneaking into the prison cells inside the Evil Queen’s castle, when one of the Queen’s guard’s approaches him while calling out to him. The guard cruelly shouts at him as he calls Hook a slave, to which Hook immediately becomes incredibly offended and kills the guard straightaway using his hook, then states he’s no slave. This moment doesn’t seem very important at this time. However, upon learning that Killian was actually once a slave upon him being forced into slavery by his and his brother’s very own father, and upon seeing him being forced to act as a slave under Captain Silver’s command here in this episode… The Brothers Jones, we now understand why him being called a slave by that guard in Queen of Hearts, actually really hurt and offended him. Which is a great attention to detail on the writers’ parts, and proof that they very likely always had Killian’s entire backstory thought out, shortly after his character was first introduced into this show, back in season two’s episode, titled… The Crocodile. That they always planned for Killian eventually being revealed as a slave in his past life, long before ever becoming a pirate and Captain Hook. And I absolutely love it!! And then... Silver reveals that he and his men are off on a mission in search for the Eye of the Storm, but in order to find it, they must sail and survive a terrible tempest that appears and threatens to destroy their ship and kill them all. In order to save themselves and the rest of the crew, Liam and Killian then stage a mutiny in order to stop Silver from killing them all. While Killian trusts in Liam, Liam soon gives his brother his lucky ring... The very ring Killian had worn for many years and gives to Emma in Camelot. And I suspect that perhaps Liam gives Killian his ring because Hades may have enchanted it somehow so that its wearer would survive the storm as Hades had promised Liam that he and Killian would. Not so much because Liam wanted Killian to feel better about their situation. Sadly, Killian pleads with everyone willing to stand with them against their Captain to trust in Liam to be their new Captain, promising them that if they do trust in Liam, his brother will get them out of this storm alive. Unfortunately, we know how very wrong Killian is, since Liam makes his deal with Hades to sell the men's souls in order to save himself and his brother. Which must absolutely hurt Killian all the more upon finding out the truth behind Liam's deal with Hades, and knowing that they all died because they trusted in Liam because of him. Once the deal between Hades and Liam is fulfilled upon the brothers Jones making it safely back to shore, several men within the Royal Navy approach the brothers once they see them wash up after surviving the storm. The leader of the soldiers at first ridicules the brothers for seeking out the sapphire through the tempest, until Liam then pulls it out to offer it over to them in exchange for commissions within the Royal Navy for himself and Killian. And upon seeing that Liam has been successful in taking the Eye in spite of the dangers and the fact that no one who has ever dared to try have lived to do so until now, the leader then looks at Killian and proclaims that his brother is a great hero, as if to indicate that only Killian is the only foolish one because he wasn't the one who found the sapphire. And I hate this man for saying as he does, in the way he does. And if this isn't bad enough, Killian doesn't ever know how Liam truthfully gets a hold of the Eye of the Storm and Liam doesn't ever try to make himself appear as anything less than perfect, even when Killian thanks Liam for giving him a new opportunity to become a better man and hero just like him. And promises to work that much harder to not fail his brother again. And boy, do I hate Liam a little more for making Killian feel so weak and worthless in comparison to him. Agh!!!! In the ending... The heroes all finally gather together to search the new storybook for answers on how they might defeat Hades, as Killian then must apologize for his brother and explains to them that Liam had stolen the pages from the book for Hades. I'm sad that Killian feels he has to apologize to them, even if it is on behalf of his brother. It's just not fair and I feel bad for him. And lastly... The pages showing Hades' story are revealed when Hades pulls them from the waters after Liam drops them down to him from the well. We hear Hades exclaim that his secret involving Zelena is now safe while he opens the pages to reveal a picture of himself with the Wicked Witch of the West. Zelena is coming back!!! And what exactly is this big secret the God of the Underworld is trying to hide from our heroes? Overall... I absolutely love, love, love the major story arc between Killian and Liam, as well as between Killian and Emma throughout this episode!!! This is why this episode is one of my absolute favorite episodes within this Underworld arc. So much fun, while it's also so sad. Just beautifully written and acted as well. Thank you very much once more, Travis! I absolutely love your reaction for this episode!!! Sincerely, Heidi


Fully misread this as The Jonas Brothers