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no spoilers in comments pls :)


Ilsuk Yang

This show has so many bffs and I love it! Jonah really drank too much of his own Kool-Aid and became a hero addict

Rachel Culpepper

Honestly I will admit I have a problem with Jonah having a hero complex and killing people is because it's used to justify Hen being awful to him when he was with the 118. That and Hen and Chimney both handled the inter thing badly and illegally.


The way Hen treated Jonah was a bit much and out of character for her. Calling him "Monday" constantly and making it clear she didn't want him there. But it was also because she had a gut feeling that she didn't like him for other reasons that she couldn't quite explain. Do I think Hen could have treated him with less hostility in front of everyone else? Yes! Were her instincts right? Yes! I don't see what was illegal about the way she and Chim did anything? What specifically are you referring to?