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*take your headphones out and or turn your speakers down for the ending 😂

no spoilers in comments pls!

Thanks Scandal group sponsors!

*S3 coming soon!




Lina D

I. Hate. Him. At this point I don't even need to say who because everybody and their mama know. The fakery this man fakes so fakely makes me INSANE. Good LORD


This finale is such a phenomenal compilation of layers of chess moves. We've got: Sally making preparations to jump ship and run on her own Mellie doing Mellie things trying to get Fitz to come back to her David double crossing everyone to eventually get Billy arrested and get his job back (plus a promotion, the cheeky bugger) "COMMAND" aka "Rowan" aka **Olivia's Father**(!) ensuring Cyrus has the evidence he needs to expose Olivia's relationship with Jake to Fitz. Also a B613 agent broke into Olivia's apartment, though it's left as a he said/he said as to whether her target was Olivia or Jake And finally, Grandmaster Cyrus is off double-crossing damn near everyone to ensure Defiance doesn't come out, and Fitz gets back with Mellie (since he knows he can't win without her), all while negotiating having a bloody heart attack. While not exactly chess moves, this finale also leaves us with a few plot threads to be picked up in the next season: Jake got dumped in The Hole by Command - is this the last we'll see of him, or will Jake be returning? Huck expressed his concern that Quinn was a lot like him - this concern is later validated when she's willing and able to torture Billy without much thought. And finally, the headline cliffhanger - in the final moments of the episode, we find out that the press somehow learned that Olivia is Fitz's mistress - how did they learn this, and how will Olivia and Fitz Handle It:tm:? Overall, a fantastic finale and season overalll (2A is fantastically written, and considering the short timeframe 2B had for production, it's also great), and I very much look forwards to your S3 reactions!


Posting in a separate comment for visibility - for those of you not on the Discord, according to Travis's lineup posted at the start of June, Scandal S3 is intended to begin at some point during the week of July 21st. However, IRL emergencies (like, say, unexpectedly having to move :/) may delay it. If you're not on the Discord, you should join, lots of fun convos and Travis posts upcoming show schedules every 1-2 months. Link your Discord account in Patreon settings to join.

Nicky Bomberry

My jaw also hit the floor when it was revealed he was her dad. Your reaction was gold! lol


Lmao ur reaction to the ending🤣😭