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Alicia Cue

derek is such a cunttt omg😭😭 he KNOWSS how much meredith fears becoming like her mother, how traumatic that relationship was and to just throw that in her face?? because you’re mad at yourself??? fuck all the way off puhleaseeee go to DC


That was a great episode. Definitely one of my favorites from recent memory.


I looooove the flashbacks especially the music- my next tattoo is a carousel its something that really stuck with me from this show- glad you're enjoying them too

Diggin 4 History

I like this season alot because Meredith starts to stand up for herself she realizes its ok to pursue her dreams and Derek cant handle he is not the center of the universe . He's just toxcic


I might be in the minority here so don’t crucify me but I think Meredith brought this drama with Derek into herself. When he decided to stay, instead of thanking him she just assumed he would resent her in the future (which he maybe might have) and picked a fight right way and instead of moving on, she’s just waiting for him to do anything to prove her right. And now Derek is just being petty, which what can you expect when people are just picking on you. Ultimately, they’re both trying to prove they are on right and unfortunately keep hurting each other. Can’t we all just get along!?!? 😭😭


The lady who plays younger Ellis in this episode is Sally Pressman! She was the main character in another show called “Army Wives”. A great watch if you haven’t seen it!!!


Say what you will, Derrick shines when it comes to family. The moment he hears Maggie is her sister he turns into a big softie. Gives Maggie a big hug she’s probably needed but still kinda weird lol. Then he immediately goes into “fix it mode”. Kinda makes sense though he’s got a bunch of sisters and he obviously knows how happy meredith was, eventually when she found out she had a sister (Lexie).

Shin Yukina

This episode really has dark parts that I find personaly a bit hard to watch but the way it's filmed is kinda poetic if that makes sense. That being said I'm glad Mer reached out in the end and that last part where she tells Maggie about their mother's journal was quite sweet. Oh and Derek is still an ass, I'm sorry but this is not the first time he tries to hurt her by comparing her to her mother. (Also I kinda scoffed when he said he "loved sisters" like is that why you're treating yours so badly ?). Side note but I LOVE Arizona telling Alex she needs him to be her. And it's far more valuable for him than any board seat, imo.


I'd 100% rather risk my child dying than them becoming a child sex slave. Same goes for myself.

jason ross

I don’t understand all the derek hate. If meredith got pretty much the best job imaginable in her field and derek was trying to blow up a marriage with children simply over ego and jealousy would that also be ok? I thought richard painted a pretty picture of his parallel situation for meredith with her mother and the potential of where her marriage can go if she doesn’t check her ego.

Portia Crain

I love derek. (He's A teir for me and mer is actually probably C) but during this point he annoyed me like if my husband came and told me we were moving without discussing it I d be pissed and I am a stay at home mom. He didn't discuss nothing with her at first it was I got this job were moving! Then when she put her foot down and he decided to stay for his kids, there was no discussion, he decided and that's that! Which in the end he has final say for himself but there still needs to be a discussion it's a marriage!!! And I feel talking with each other could help derek not feel resentment.

Kayla Locklear

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is the only comment I can give at this moment.

Angelina Sargent

I feel like Derek and Meredith both suck with communication in their marriage. Lol neither of them talk to the other. Derek chose to stay because he didn't want to move away with out his family and I feel like Meredith wouldn't ever be expected to do the same thing... follow her "dream" all while leaving her hubby and kids on the other side of the country. They could at least attempt some kind of communication. Even if Derek made her a promise to take a step back from work. Derek is just being an asshole because she isn't remotely grateful that she doesn't appreciate he wanted his family more then the job. Even if my husband promised me he would step back from work and then turned down a position he was offered after because he didn't want to be separated from me I wouldn't throw in his face I never asked him to do that and then get mad when he decides against going because now I "owe" him something or he will resent me for not letting him go in the future. I would be so sad for my husband for missing out on a dream of his and be so happy and grateful he wanted me more. They really are a toxic couple. The writing for their communication just went so downhill all to create merder drama.

Just Tika

I feel like I’ve watched this multiple times and this is the first time I realize that at the very end that seem to be a moment where her Alzheimer’s symptoms were showing. It came across as she had just forgotten everything she said.

Fabiola Barrios

What a great episode. This show was everything to me back then. I feel like Bailey deserved all the votes of the board. Even though I LOVEEE Alex, i feel like Bailey is the person they all go to when everything goes to shit on that hospital, she has busted her ass and always has to be twice as good to get recognition. As for Ellis, this makes me dislike Richard even more. Great reaction 💖


For me Christina gave alex her shares so their really shouldn't have been a vote to begin with.. she made the decision to give her share's to alex he has the right to the spot on the board before anyone else..