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Thanks for sponsoring RedDwarf!

no spoilers in comments pls :)

** previous season access will be available on the archive if your tier allows.

**will go to archive Jan 29!


Ilsuk Yang

Man, Red John coming in at the end there always gives me chills!

victoria t

He said roll tide just to prove he had krystina


Purposefully trying to be as vague as possible with this. At the moment of watching this for the first time. I think, what was a little telling, for me at least. That being, in regards to my perception of the writing of the show at this stage. To have their big villain of the piece show up fully masked and with their mouth totally obscured, but with quite a reminiscent voice. (For those who can still hear cadence and inflections.) I'm not pointing it out directly, if you hear it you hear it. I thought they were probably leaving plenty of room to decide on the direction things could take in the future. And by this I really do mean, it was evident they were totally undecided what they were going to do. But, all the while having fun with the audience and temping some speculation.


I can’t wait for season 3 it’s definitely one of best if not the best one of the show


Btw does somebody know if the next season is sponsored??