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Thanks Siobhan!

**will go to archive 3/22


Siobhan Linehan

I had to watch it immediately lol, thank you SO much for doing this for me Travis. I appreciate it a lot. 🤗 Now I have A LOT to say haha. I totally agree with everything you said about this movie. Is it as good as the original? No. But it's still great. A really solid adaptation. What you said about Will Smith being a big surprise is what everyone said lol. When he was cast people were genuinely angry, no one thought it would work, but yes he's the star of this movie. And you were spot on when you said he made it his own, he did and that's why it worked. If he'd copied Robin Williams it would've been a disaster but he made the character into his own unqiue version and he was brilliant. 👌 Mena Massoud was the perfect casting as Aladdin, he has that cheeky confidence and he's very handsome. I definitely have a crush on him ngl. 😂 And his voice isn't anything special but it works perfectly for this role. He sounds and looks and acts like Aladdin and for me he's the best lead role casting in a live action Disney movie. Naomi Scott does a good job as Jasmine, I wouldn't say she's spot on but she's more than good enough. She's SO beautiful, she has great chemistry with Mena and I totally understand why she was cast. And I'm sad you didn't like Speechless, that is an original song yes. And Naomi sang that live, maybe that's why you thought it sounded different. I don't agree that she didn't have enough power, that song gives me chills every time. It also went viral after the movie came out, went number 1 worldwide on streaming and the YouTube video of it has 419 million views. It was a smash hit. So I'm surprised you weren't keen on it but it's of course ok that you weren't feeling it. Each to their own. 👍 I also love how much they improved Jasmine's story in this remake. That's the only thing I'd put above the original. In this version they make Jasmine into a really strong woman who doesn't back down, who gets her own power ballad and who becomes the leader of her country. I adored that change. I do agree about Jafar, that actor wasn't very convincing unfortunately. He wasn't bad he just wasn't scary enough. They did the parrot well though lol. Abu was done perfectly, as was the magic carpet. I totally agree with you that the costumes are GORGEOUS, as is the set design. It's a very well made movie. And the songs are just FIRE, especially the Genie's songs. I do agree that A Whole New World doesn't hit quite like it should, but I do think that it's just impossible to match the original of that. I've heard countless versions over the years and none come close. If I take the original version out of my mind and look at this as the original then I don't think this one is bad by any means, it's just not as great as it could've been. I think what you said about the sound mixing is 100% right. But yeah overall I absolutely love this adaptation. It's very well done and I'm SO glad you enjoyed it. I was very worried you wouldn't because of how much you love the original. I came into this thinking "he's going to hate this isn't he?" lol but I'm very happy you didn't. I think them following the original movie pretty much exactly is one of the biggest reasons it worked. They didn't mess with it too much and the few new scenes they added made sense. I really do enjoy it. 😊👌 Ok, I'll shut up now. I'm just excited. 😂


The woman who plays Jasmine is so pretty

ingrid vedeld

Love this movie! They did a great job. Aladdin is cute and Jasmine is gorgeous. Will Smith did an amazing job as the genie!

Kristina Fagan

We shall!💜 Naomi Scott played the singer in Smile 2. Those were my exact thoughts loved Genie, Jasmines hand maiden, Abu and Rajah.

Jana Fuller

I think this is my favorite of the live action remakes!