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Anna Hunt

I love that you're enjoying this show! I was worried you wouldn't like Marilla in the beginning, but I'm glad you don't have an issue with her so far. This show is an emotional rollercoaster, and I have seen it so many times and never get bored of new reactions to it. Totally agree about the soundtrack too! I can't wait for the next episode!!


Aww, definitely got a lil teary eyed in this one. Something about Anne really tugs at me. Think I recognize a fellow “highly sensitive person” in her and know that while in many ways it’s a gift to be so perceptive, it can also be really, really difficult to experience the world that way 😔 I don’t remember hardly anything about what happens in the books but I hope that exuberance and creativity don’t get snuffed out from her!


I am so glad you like Marilla, she is one of my favorites from this series. And the books