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no spoilers in comments pls :)

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I really can’t stand Jo. She’s so insufferable 😫. Ugh!


That scene was reminiscent of Alex holding that premie for skin to skin seasons ago 🥹.

Will Brennan

Sleeping at Last did the cover of "Already Gone" in this episode

Bradey Bononcini

Jo has been annoying this season. She’s mad at Alex because he loved his dying wife? Like she’s just being mad to be mad. 😭 April and Jackson is a complicated story. She was grieving but he said don’t go and she went, she can’t force someone to stay in an unhappy marriage; especially when she’s seemingly not happy herself. I think general surgeons in general make less than other specialities but I was curious to know the exact amount. Also if Maggie wasn’t going to then I would have 😂

Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

Sleeping At Last is the artist for the Already Gone cover. Grey’s used their covers a lot and I’m always so impressed.

Sherry Palmer

"Snacky McSnackerson" 😆 🤣 😂

Karen McQueeney

I love Alex! His character development is the best (in my opinion) out of all the others so far. And this episode tore at me. The part where he picks up the infant and holds it to his chest reminds me of the episode where Bailey had him take his shirt off and hold the baby in season 6 (I think). But I love Alex so much! And Amelia says some unhinged things and I love her for it. She cracks me up! And now I will also never unsee Deluca looking like a mix between Derek and Mark. Thank you for that!😂

victoria t

Ummmmmm… watching this back is hilarious given certain stuff…

Sarika H

posting this at “not going to happen’ statement and instantly thinking, ummm, this is a Shondra show we are talking about, let me continue now and see ~ had to go out so just continued, OMG, 😭 ~ love Alex

Ursula Evans

So glad you shared my Mark and Derek comment 😂


My Japril heart hurts. I see both sides but I genuinely hate when they're at odds. Also, DeLuca has my heart forever.


Maggie is the yapper of all yappers 🤣

Jana Fuller

Alex has my heart and I love watching Arizona be proud of him ❤️❤️

Rebecca W

I'm pretty positive she was not pregnant. It was about the papers she found.

Alexis Kaye Wright

Literally this!! I was wondering how to comment on that without spoilers because what??? 😂🫠

Shin Yukina

Yeah I get what you mean with it being lighter. Also I just love an episode where Alex's skills are being praised tbh. (I really dig the scene where Bailey's voice gives all the right steps to choose and you see Alex doing all of them).