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no spoilers in comments pls :)

** previous season access will be available on the archive if your tier allows.


Alondra Dominique

They will just keep getting bigger and better trust me. Yes, Ka-boom Bomarang name is Digger Harkness like Jack Harkness.


Oliver's green hood was Shadow's from season one.

Kristina Fagan

We Shall!💜 Love a crossover too!!! #teamflash #teambarry

Yami Pantoja

"They didn't kill her cause she brunette" hehee 😂

Siobhan Linehan

I'm very glad you're loving these shows so much and have enjoyed your first major crossover, it really is a lot of fun when all the characters come together. This is the first of 6 major crossovers you'll see so there's a lot to look forward to. 🎉 I loved your reaction to Barry zooming in front of the boomerangs, that loud "BITCH" is exactly how I felt too lol. Those slowmo moments will never get old. 🔥 Also I love how you keep wanting Barry and Oliver to get together lmao, you're not the only one. Their ship name is Flarrow and there's some VERY graphic fan art and fan fiction out there. And their interactions do have a flirty vibe sometimes so I do get it. 😂 I can't wait until the other shows are introduced, this journey has been great already and will only get better. 😊

Zach Zbinden

Ngl i love Caitlin's hair this episode

Zach Zbinden

When you said "double where" I went back 10 seconds to rewatch and realized thea had 3 glasses on her tray when she arrived, but put 4 glasses on the table. Then after there's only 3. I'm so mad I noticed this 😂😂