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Kayla Locklear

I have been waiting for this one!!!😢😢😢

ingrid vedeld

Omg been waiting for this one😭😭💔💔 working the case...

Natasha G

This episode traumatized me when I first watched it

Alexis Grande

I’ve been dreading this episode as we got closer. 😭


Yeah that was wild too cause I literally just watched the Dawson’s Creek ep where Andie has her breakdown- Meredith Monroe can definitely act!


Oh… oh no… I’m not ready 😭😭😭😭

Natasha G

So I really try hard not to compare shows. But you know in season 3 of 911 when they had Bobby, and the crew listening to Athena get beaten up? I was lowkey kind of triggered into remembering this episode-and was really worried they were going to pull a criminal minds on us for a hot minute


Been waiting for this one. I was in tears the entire scene of him crying on the phone while talking to her, then when they could hear the multiple shots, and you saw Garcia crying too. OMG this was thee best episode for me and it ranked #1 on the saddest episodes of all of criminal minds. I think for me, because Hotch never showed much emotion throughout the seasons, and then him being obviously ripped apart about what happened, was part of the reason it tore me apart and I sobbed. He broke down and cried and cried and how he beat him over and over and couldn't stop until Morgan took him off of him. She definitely didn't sign up for that. She knew who he was when she married him, but at the same time nobody ever knows what kinds of things they deal with unless they are in it and dealing with it. Nobody ever thinks that this kind of thing could happen to them.

Natalie Davis

omg I have been waiting 5 seasons for this one! Definitely could've been a season finale, but this was the show's 100th episode so they wanted something big!

Stacey K

This is season finale level intense that seems to come out of nowhere!

Helen Moore

well this is a right of passage when it comes to Criminal minds but I hate it 😭😭😭😭

Amanda B

I’ve been waiting for this one! All these years later and it still makes me cry


I’ve been waiting for this episode since you started the series. Whenever I watch it I end up crying. The Hotch/Hailey/Jack scenes get me everytime. Loved seeing you go from “this is a normal episode/I hate Strauss”, to realizing just how monumental this one was.


the craziest thing is them having this be some random episode in the middle of the season when it feels like a finale.


This episode 😭 I bet everyone's been either waiting for or dreading this one (or both). So emotional, heartbreaking and so incredible.

Louise R

I’ve been simultaneously waiting for this episode and dreading it for you. It totally takes you by surprise, especially with it being a seemingly innocuous mid-season episode. The first time I watched criminal minds I SOBBED at this episode, and I still tear up and cry a little every time. Whenever I do a rewatch, this is one of the episodes I have to prepare myself for.


Not you thinking Anderson was in on it or a dirty agent🤣 by the way this actually isn't his first episode! He's a background character since season 1, he was the agent that drove Elle home before she got shot


The voice break when he says “hi buddy” will never not rip my heart out💔

Anna Hunt

Honestly I didn't realize we were at this episode until I started catching up on reactions today, was not prepared for this. I've seen this episode a few times, and every single time I end up sobbing during the phone call. It doesn't get any better on rewatches